Close-Up (Mar-Dec 1933)

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CLOSE UP 353 A night scene from" Greater Tokyo," a Japanese documentary film which zvas photographed and edited by Wladimir Schneider 010 . Scene nocturne du " Plus grand Tokyo" documentaire japonais photographie et edite par Wladimir Sc/meiderow. JAPAN AS SEEN IN FILMS Whenever a Japanese — no matter if he is a film specialist or not — who has seen in foreign lands films relating to Japan (i.e., Japanese dramatic films and cultural or documentary films photographed and cut by Japanese or occidental photographers or directors) comes back home, he complains to us of these films that have been shown abroad, but never in Japan. He always concludes his impressions with a word : they are very far from being Japan in modern times. Not only so, but also they fail to be true, especially in such cases as where they refer to current matters and topics of Japan.