Close Up (Oct 1920 - Sep 1923)

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q(j53jl 3 -l 3 NIGHT LIFE IN L. A. (By “The Rounder”) HARLOWS — A new place to park for an enjoyable evening. Food, music, dancing and all that. Goldie Fife talks a language with a saxaphone , that your feet can understand. They | plan on pads under the tables to i keep people from wearing out the j flooring when keeping time with ( their feet. Don’t laugh. This is seri|Ous! Dolly Leslie also warbles. ■ — V WINTER GARDEN — Grover I Frankie’s Revue from . midnight to '1 o’clock -still has the New \ ork edit:on looking like a one night | stand. You can. go and dance and eat up to midnight and then sit i down and watch a snappy girl re| vue all for the same price. Rose Perfect is back. PALAIS ROYAL — Another lobster palace with eats, music, dancing and a dancer, only this one hurts a little more — when the waiter brings the check. AMBASSADOR — Maurice, the famous dancer, and his partner, Leonora Hughes. Art Hickman and his orchestra. Prices that read like the numbers of box cars. ALEXANDRIA — First prize here — (for prices). SUNSET INN — One of the most famous of California’s midnight rendezvous for the Broadway owls. It is on the way to the beach, but one would save money by keeping on going and visiting THE SHIP — At Venice where music and danc’ng go on undisturbed after the police department have rolled up the sidewalks in Los Angeles and put them away for the night. JAHNCKE’S — A subterranean sort of grotto where they have food, an orchestra and a few visitors. CINDERELLA— Here is a roof garden where they have matinee dancing. evening dancing and dancing at all other hours. The real place to go if dancing is all you want to do. No food, no show, no nothing but just DANCE! BLUE BIRD — Gus Mann’s place just a cafeteria. Bright shiny rail, steam tables of show and an orchestra trying to play above the clatter of dishes in the open. HELP! CALIFORNIA — And now for the theatres. Carl Elinor and a big fifty-piece orchestra that can really play. “The Flower of the North,” a James Oliver Curwood story, with Pauline Stark. That’s recommendation enough. Ne cest pas? MILLER’S — “The Silent Call” with Strongheart, the dog, still playing to the delight of countless who like good tails. SUPERBA — George Evans and a strong orchestra, a series of prize ring short stories by H. C. Witwer and other pictures. RIALTO — “Moran of the Lady Letty,” a story of the sea with Dorothy Dalton, which closes its engagement soon in favor of Cecil Dc Mille’s “Fool’s Paradise.” GRAUMAN’S — Nearly three hours of Guterson, his orchestra, Murtagh, prologues, singers, dancers and picture. Wallace Reid as “The World’s Champion.” Cleverly directed by Philip E. Rosen. TALLY’S— Jewel Carmen in “Nobody.” A mistake made by First National a year ago.' MISSION — “Foolish Wives” well into its third week. See yourself as others see you. CLUNE’S — May McAvoy. Reviewed. KINEMA — Freckles Barry in Marshall Neilan’s conception of what Booth Tarkington really meant when he wrote “Penrod.” A good story, well directed, but with boresome star. LOWE’S STATE— The boss looked this one over. You can ask him. I’m deaf and dumb on the subject. But the “vodeville” is great and so is Nate Holt. PANT ACES— Well anyway, Willard Mack is gone. BROADWAY PANTAGES — Will WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? (Continued from Page 1.) GOING TO ALLOW A FULSOME, HYPOCRITICAL OCTOPUS TO SQUIRT FROM ONE OF ITS TENTACLES ITS NOISESOME, DEATH D E A L I N G MUD? IN HEAVEN’S NAME— LET’S STOP TALKING ABOUT WHAT WE’RE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT, AND GET RIGHT DOWN TO ORGANIZED “TIN TACKS” AND PUT THE KIND OF A CRIMP IN THIS FATTENER OF SCAN DAL AND PROMOTER OF TROUBLE! HAS THIS TRUST BECOME TOO FAT? THEN REVERT TO A BIBLE STORY OF “SEVEN LEAN YEARS” AND INSTEAD OF FATTENING OTHERS. START FATTENING YOUR SAVINGS!! THEN PERHAPS YOU WILL BE SURPRISED TO HAVE THESE SAME NEWSPAPERS PROCLAIM TO THE WORLD AT LARGE “THAT HOLLYWOOD IS A WONDERFUL PLACE! AND THE PEOPLE LIVING THERE ARE WORTHY OF IT!” In conclusion — WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? “Alec” because there is now a “potpourri” of vaudeville and musical revue of nothing very much. MAJESTIC — Thomas Wilkes presents an excellent stock company in various different things at different times. MOROSCO — Oliver Morosco does the same thing here. Why repeat? ORPHEUM— B usiness is still good here, so the shows must be. It is standard and safe. So is Monsieur Terry in the box office. HARLEQUIN — It looks like a run in “silk stockings.” The editing of six future First National attractions began this week. They are: Norma Talmadge’s “The Duchess of Langeais,” Marshall Neilan’s “Fools First,” Richard Walton Tully’s “The Masquerader,” Maurice Tourneur’s “Lorna Doone,” Thomas H. Ince’s “The Brotherhood of Hate,” and Katherine MacDonald’s latest production, a drama by Charles A. Logue. falling in line. We read it is to be Morrissey evidently didn’t please PLEASE PAIRONIZ E— W HO ADVERTIS E— I N “CLOSE-UP