Close Up (Oct 1920 - Sep 1923)

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Moving Along In MovieLand THEY’LL BE BACK SOON # Norma Talmadge, having completed filming of “The Duchess de Langeasis,” left for New York last week for a combined business and pleasure trip, extending over a period of five weeks. Accompanying her was her husband, Joseph M. Schenck, famous producer, and Constance Talmadge, With them went a print of “Smiling Through,” which is scheduled for early release through First National. The picture, said to be one of the best films of recent years, is booked for a March premiere in New York City and Miss Talmadge will attend the opening before returning to Los Angeles. From New York, Norma and Constance will go to Palm Beach for a well earned vacation, while Mr. Schenck is expected to go on to Washington. D. C., to confer with Postmaster General Hays, who assumed command of the motion picture industry on March 4th. The Misses Talmadge are expected to return to Los Angeles the last week in March to prepare for the filming of their new productions. Mr. Schenck, it is believed, will remain in the East until April, when he will return with Mr. Haus, who plans a four weeks’ sojourn here for the purpose of studying the production and of the motion picture business. “That Lass O’ Lowrie’s,” Frances Hodgson Burnett’s companion novel to "Little Lord Fauntleroy,” is in the first stage of editing. ■m * * Another sensation by Jimmy Aubrey: Finding out that you just paid $5.00 for a quart of cold tea! DISTRIBUTING HEAD HERE E. W. Hammons, president of Educational Film Exchange, is in the city, accompanied by Mrs. Hammons q and making his headquarters at the Ambassador Hotel. Mr. Hammons arrived here Saturday after a convention of sales managers in Chicago, and will among other important affairs make arrangements for the product of Educational Week, April 16th to 23rd, which (S will be an intensive booking drive for Christie Comedies, Mermaid Comedies. Torchy and Campbell Comedies, and other products which his exchanges distribute throughout the United States and Canada. LOVE AND RAIN By Marshall Lorimer When the night is wet and splashy And the young man’s kind of mashy — That’s the time to telephone the girl you love. You will gain such information Which won’t give you much elation, For the girl you hope to roam with — will not move. She will tell you she is sorry! And perhaps invent a story, That will keep her tootsies warm and snug within. Then those tender little currents In your heart’s washed out by torrents Descending from above, the showers win. Myrtle Stedman — “Mary was awfully cold to you.” Lincoln Stedman — “Yes, I know; but when we went skating, I broke the ice with her.” Washington, D. C. Toupees, Permanent Waving, Marcelling New York All water used in treatments is specially softened and Wig Rental purified Wigs to Order Hepner Toilette Preparations Hepner is here to give you the Hair Dressing same service he gave you in New York Shampooing Massage ■ Jnepner I N C OI\P OI|ATED 1001 West 7th St. (just west of Figueroa). No parking restrictions. Phone 52220 Par'n Office. 7 Rue Bergere Aron> York Office 48 W. }jth SL The Novel and Authoritative Unique Fashions MODES THAT MARK THE SEASON’S TURN AND DEFINE THE SARTORIAL TREND OF HALF THE YEAR. PARTICULARLY IMPRESSIVE ARE FIRST IMPORTATIONS FROM PARIS DESIGNERS WHOSE PRESTIGE IS WORLD EMBRACING. THE SMART FROCK ILLUSTRATED IS A HAND-MADE PARIS MODEL DEVELOPED IN GEORGETTE CREPE ELABORATELY DESIGNED IN STEEL BEADS— AND THE PRICE IS ONLY THE UNIQUE of t.z u* Tan BROADWAY PLEASE PATRONIZ E— W HO ADVERTIS E— I N “CLOSE-UP