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Close Up (Oct 1920 - Sep 1923)

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16 Bright Hints For Human Beings By “US” or “WE” HUGHES VS. MORENO MORE HOLLYWOOD GOSSIP BACK IN HARNESS During the making of “The Bitterness of Sweets” at the Goldwyn studio, Major Rupert Hughes, the authordirector, and Antonio Moreno, playing the leading masculine role, engaged constantly in good-natured but brisk repartee. Hughes and Moreno were indulging in a friendly argument when Tony said: ‘‘No, Major, you’re trying to make me out a liar.” “No, Tony, God and long practice did that before I ever knew you,” said Hughes. Hughes, who is as tireless a director as he is writer, on several occasions kept his company working until after 7 p. m. Moreno, a bachelor, said: “The Major is a married man; he doesn’t care what time he gets home.” What Hughes said to that is not a matter of record. Neal Hart just got a recipe by radio. That’s the old “gin-ger.” 1 1 ' Along Hollywood boulevard, gossip is rife to the effect that Miss Patsy Marks, aged 7, is “officially off” one Air. Jackie Coogan, aged 7. The reason is said to be that Miss Alma Lloyd, aged 7, daughter of Frank Lloyd, the director, was seen in Jackie’s company too frequently to suit the dashing young Miss Marks. It appears that Miss Lloyd made her film debut in Jackie’s “Trouble” production and that the young star was heard to tell her she could be his leading lady any old time she so desired. “He plays too rough,” said Miss Alarks. “Patsy is a nice girl — she should not be mad at me because Alma worked in my picture,” was the only comment coming from Mr. Coogan. Miss Marks is a decided brunette. Aliss Lloyd is a fair-haired maiden with blue eyes. Bubbling with enthusiasm and glad to get back off the road, Phyllis Haver, talented Mack Sennett comedy star, has again taken up her grease paint and mirror, again in the studio dressing room. Phyllis, in company with Ben Turpin and Kathryn McGuire appeared in a vaudeville sketch on -Pantages’ time in several of the coast cities, and while she claims that the life of a vaudeville artist is all that may be expected, she, nevertheless wants no part of it in spite of the fact that at one performance in San Francisco, the theatre management had to answer to the police authorities for overcrowding the house due to the anxiety of the public to get a close-up of her. Aliss Haver is now hard at work with Ben Turpin, under the direction of F. Richard Jones, with the production of the next Sennett-Turpin special for First National release, to be known by the title of “The Frozen Trail.” A Popular I. Miller Shoe The — It would seem untrue that one style in particular should have the ability, in loveliness and delicacy, to out-step any or many of the little models designed and made by I. Miller. — However, the “Scandal” here sketched is a successful captain. It has an odd and artistic forepart, three graceful straps and dainty perforations. Something to be seen and thought about. Patent Leather only. At the Ville — Fifth Floor, where I. Miller Footwear is carried exclusively in Los Angeles SEVENTH AT OLIVE co. PLEASE PATRONIZ E— W HO ADVERTIS E— I N “CLOSE-UP”