Close Up (Oct 1920 - Aug 1923)

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2 YOUR CINEMA FAVORITES JV/' wr •/ ' ' 'T ,x ^ h In orvfidence A YEARLY HABIT Every year when Yom Kippur comes around, the Day of Atonement in the Jewish calendar, Mr. Joe Weiss, of the firm of Klein & Weiss, Kosher Restauranteurs, gives a real feed, in conjunction with the Jewish Welfare Society, to all sailors and soldiers of the Hebraic Faith who may be in Los Angeles at the conclusion of this day of fasting. All of this merely goes to prove that Joe’s heart is in the right place. WHEN SHE COMES BACK When Norma Talmadge returns to Hollywood this month she will find waiting for her the completed script and continuity for “Within the Law,” Which Director Frank Lloyd is busy with just now. He is turning the successful drama into what promises to be an equally successful picture with the stellar role splendidly suited to the genius of Norma Talmadge. Gertrude As tor seems destined to become one of the permanent players of the Vitragraph “lot” for a while. Immediately upon finishing her work as leading lady to Earl Williams, she was signed for a special all-star production to be made by that concern and she has tentatively accepted a part in a third picture there. MABEL NORMAND Slang vernacular is expressive at times, hence when we say “She’s a bear” it means that she must be preeminent in her class. Now it’s up to you, friend reader, to pick out the bear, and the real bear in her class. In any case you will have selected the genuine thing. The above pose shows “OUR MABEL” in one of the scenes taken from “SUZANNA,” her latest Mack Sennett multiple-reel feature. This will shortly be released, co-incident with the return of MABEL from her trip abroad. HERE’S A MEATY BIT Walter Long, who is playing the “dirty guy” in Warner Bros, production of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, “The Beautiful and Damned,” which William Seiter is directing, used to be a wholesale meat salesman and he didn’t sell by the pound but by the carload. Max Linder’s plans to start his next production in France have been so seriously hampered by protracted sunless weather and a lack of proper studio 'facilities that it is now doubtful whether or not he will undertake the task in his native land. It now seem's almost certain Max will soon be resuming his mirthful antics before the camera “set up” right in Hollywood. * * * Katherine McElhany sends a note. After playing bridge for a year most people write a book — a check book, we mean. * * * Wanda Hawley appears in “Burning Sands.” This ought to cause a “heated” argument. Opposite PersJt,2*igr Square 209 W Fifth St. ‘Alexandria Hotel is opposite Its [,|,a-ia',,a"a,|"a a i'/swi/\,<,x,<'a',,a 'w "i,a',i,ai|,a"i'a. • a v