Columbia Record Catalog (1921)

Record Details:

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A2720 A5204 E4658 E4404 A1559 A 746 A2952 A2879 A2864 A2952 A2203 A2206 A5930 A2077 A2200 A5919 A2832 10 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 10 10 12 10 855 1.50 ro Ow. or ot .85 -85 1.25 85 Bevo: Blues. (Katzman.) One-Step. ; Yerkes Jazarimba Orncatea Mary Ann. (Creamer and Layton.) One-Step. Waldorf-Astoria Dance Orchestra Bianea al par (Fairer than the fairest lily), from ‘‘Huguenots.”’ ; Florencio Constantino Faust: Salve! dimora casta e pura (Hail! Thou dwelling pure and lowly.) In Italian. BIBOR, OLGA, gypsy orchestra. Don Juan. Waltz and Gypsy Love. Waltz Florencio Constantino Don’t Be Cross and Stephanie Gavotte BLEDERMAN, WALTER, violinist. Medley of Reeis, Jigs and Hornpipes and Medley of Sea Chanties. Peerless Quartette BIEDERMAN (WALTER) and HANS VON WEGERN. On the High Alps. Violin duet and Alpine Violets. Horning, Lufsky and Siirth, violin, flute and harp trio BIESE, PAUL, TRIO, saxophone, banjo and piano. Bells of Monterey. Fox-Trot. and Chili Bean. Paul Biese Trio and Frank Crumit. Song Fox-Trot Just Another Kiss. Medley Waltz and Ah! There Flirtation Fox-Trot. Columbia Orchestra Just Like the Rose. Fox-Trot. Introducing ‘‘In Siam.”’ and When You’re Alone. Fox-Trot. Introducing ‘‘The Great American.’’ BIESE, PAUL, TRIO, and FRANK CRUMIT.— Chili Bean. Song Fox-Trot. and Bells of Monterey. Fox-Trot. Paul Biese Trio BIG SHOW. (New York Hippodrome.) Poor Butterfly and Katinka: Allah’s Holiday. Introducing “Charms Are Fairest When They’re Hidden.’’ Saxo Sextette Poor Butterfly and My Rosary For You. Charles Harrison Poor Butterfly Introducing “Come On Down to Ragtime Town.’’ Fox-Trot. Prince’s Band and* “Yow and’I.”? -Fox-Trot. ; Prince’s Band BILTMORE KALALUKI HAWAIIAN ORCHESTRA. Kalaluki’s Hawaiian Medley of Hulas. Introducing (1) ‘“‘My Honolulu Tom Boy,’ (2) ‘‘My Honolulu Hula Girl,’ (3) ‘‘On the Beach at Waikiki,” (4) ‘‘Waikixi”’ and “Waiu Lulilui.’’ Louise, Ferera and Kainoa. Guitar and ukulele trio Kaui Kahio Medley. Introducing (1) “‘Ainahau,” (2) “‘Kuwiliwili Iho au’? (Caressingly yours), (8) “Ua Hiki No Mean” (’Tis . Well With Me). Fox-Trot and Medley of Hawaiian Mel odies. Introducing (1) ‘“One-Two-Three-Four,” (2) “Halona,”’ (3) “Sweet Lee Mamo.” Waltz Biltmore Waltz. (Green.) Prince’s Band .»4 Broken Doll—‘London Taps.” (Tate.) Fox-Trot. Prince’s Band Bird Calls. Part I. (Robin and Whip-poor-will.) Story ; by Howard R. Garis. Bird imitations by Edward Avis Bird Calls. Part Il. (Qriole, Chewink and Cricket.) Story by Howard R. Garis. Bird Imitations by Edward Avis “THE LURE OF MUSIC” contains elaborate descriptions of many Columbia records.. See announcement in back of this catalog. 35