Columbia Record Catalog (1921)

Record Details:

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A5734 30483 A5194 49559 A2899 A2768 A2784 A2720 A2798 A2682 A2418 A2663 A2548 A5920 A2523 A5971 A5772 A5920 A2420 12 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 10 1.50 3.00 1.50 1.50 85 .85 85 85 85 1.25 85 1.25 1.25 1.25 85 D’ALMAINE, CHARLES, violinist. White Cockade. Jigs and Reels Medley and Harrigan’s Reel. Prince’s Orchestra Daly’s Reel. (Daly.) Van Eps Trio, banjo, saxophone and piano Hill and Dale.~* Fox-Trot. Van Eps Trio DAMNATION OF FAUST. Opera by Moussorgsky. Song of the Flea. In French and Hérodiade: Vision fugitive. In French. Oscar Seagle Damon. (Strange.) In English. Lillian Nordica D’amor sull’ ali rosee (Borne on Love’s Pinions), from “Trovatore.’”’ Boninsegna Trovatore: Tacea la notte placida (How Peaceful Was the Night). . ; Boninsegna D’amor sull’ ali rosee (Borne on Love’s Pinions), from “Trovatore.”’ Rosa Ponselle Dance It Again With Me. One-Step. (Wallace.) Art Hickman’s Orchestra Hold Me. Fox-Trot. (Hickman and Black.) Introducing ‘“‘Midnight Maid.” (Meyer and Black.) Art Hickman’s Orchestra DANCE MUSIC. All dance music under the supervision of G. Hepburn Wilson. Blues Records. The Alcoholic Blues. Medley. Fox-Trot. Louisiana Five Jazz Or chestra and Kansas City Blues. Fox-Trot. Wilbur Sweatman’s Original Jazz Band Beautiful Ohio Blues. One-Step. and ’m Forever Blowing Bubbles. Medley Waltz. Columbia Saxophone Sextette Bevo Blues. One-Step. Yerkes Jazarimba Orchestra and Mary Ann. One-Step. Waldorf-Astoria Dance Orchestra Biues My Naughty Sweetie Gave Me. Fox-Trot. Ted Lewis Jazz Band and India (Oriental Intermezzo.) Fox-Trot. Yerkes Novelty Five Bluin’ the Blues. Fox-Trot and Ringtail Blues. Fox-Trot Wilbur Sweatman’s Original Jazz Band Bunch of Blues. Fox-Trot and Moonlight Blues. Waltz. Handy’s Orchestra of Memphis Dallas Blues. Mediey Fox-Trot and Has Anybody Seen My Corinne? Medley Fox-Trot. Sweatman’s Jazz Band Ev’rybody’s Crazy ’Bout the Doggone Blues But I’m Happy. FoxTrot and Regretful Blues. Fox-Trot. Sweatman’s Jazz Band Florida Blues. Fox-Trot and Homesickness Blues. Fox-Trot. Prince’s Band Graveyard. Blues. Fox-Trot and Sweet Emalina, My — Gal. One-Step. [Earl Fuller’s Rector Novelty Orchestra Hawaiian Blues. Fox-Trot and Glorious Souse Song. Introducing ‘Yale Boola.’’ Fox-Trot. Prince’s Band Hesitating Blues. Fox-Trot and St. Louis Blues. Fox-Trot. Prince’s Band Homesickness Blues. Fox-Trot and The Florida Blues. Fox-Trot. Prince’s Band Hooking Cow Blues. Fox-Trot and Ole Miss Rag. Fox-Trot. Handy’s Orchestra “THE LURE OF MUSIC” contains elaborate descriptions of many Columbia records. See announcement in back of this catalog. 79