Columbia Record Catalog (1921)

Record Details:

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Da A6073 A 762 A1351 A2806 A6068 A6152 A2119 A5531 A5575 A2610 A 120 A5884 A2016 A1728 Ai989 A1728 A5189 A1845 A6153 A2i36 A5788 A5609 A2874 A6042 12 1.25 10. .85 10. 85 LOSE OO 12 1.25 12 1.25 10 .85 12 1.25 12 1.25 10 .85 10 .85 12 1.25 10 .85 1:0. 9:85 10.85 10.85 12 1.25 A cero 5 121.25 10 .85 12 1.25 12 1.25 10.85 12 1.25 DANCE MUSIC—One-Steps—Continued. You’re In Style When You’re Wearing a Smile. Medley One-Step and Everything Is Peaches Down in Georgia. Medley Fox-Trot. Prince’s Band Polkas. Busby Polka and Father O’Flynn. Peter Wyper Deirini Polka and Stars and Stripes, Forever. Guido Deiro, accordion Ida and Dot Polka. Buono and Chiaferelli. Cornet duet and Four Little Blackberries. Schottische. George Hamilton Green, xylophone Quadrilles. Sailor’s Joy. Quadrille. Part I and, Part Il. Prince’s Orchestra Schottisches. Carrots and She’s Such a Love and First Whisper of Love and Dear One Far Away. Columbia Orchestra Tangos. NOTE.—Practically any of the tangoes in the list below may be used for dancing the maxixe by simply playing the record at a slightly faster tempo than the regular speed used for the tango. Hawaiian-Portuguese Tango. Louise, Ferera and Kainoa and Songs from Hawaii. Louise and Ferera Y Como Le Va? and Puppchen. One-Step. Prince’s Band Three-Steps. Moon Winks and Sympathy Waltz. Prince’s Band Orchids. Howard Kopp, Bell solo and Messenger Boy March. Howard Kopp, xylophone solo Two-Steps. Anona. Intermezzo and Jolly Fellows Waltz. Columbia Band. With bell effects Blaze Away and College Life. Two-Step. Prince’s Band. Hawaiian Medley Two-Step and Wailana Waltz (Drowsy Waters). Louise and Ferera. Hawaiian Guitar Duet Italian Echoes and Senorita. Two-Step. Marimba selection. Cardenas Quartette Pearl of the Harem. Oriental Rag and Motor March, The. Fred Van Eps, banjo solo Senorita and Italian Echoes. Two-Step. Marimba selection. Cardenas Quartette Sharpshooters. March and Two-Step and Blue Danube Waltz. Prince’s Orchestra Three Jewels, The and Blue Danube Waltz. Royal Marimba Band Waltzes. Alabama Moon. Medley Waltz and Lassie. Medley Waltz. Prince’s Orchestra Aloha Oe (Farewell to Thee) ; and Uncle Tom. One-Step. Blue and White Marimba Band Alone at Last. Waltz Medley and The Bobolink and the Wren. Waltz. Prince’s Orchestra Amelia Waltzes and Mississippi Barbecue. One-Step. Jockers Brothers, Violin and piano Apple Blossoms. Medley Waltz and Old Fashioned Garden. Medley One-Step. Prince’s Dance Orch. Are You From Heaven? Medley Waltz and Blue Bird. Medley Waltz. Prince’s Orchestra * THRE LURE OF MUSIC” contains elaborate descriptions of many Columbia records. See announcement in back of this catalog. 95