Columbia Record Catalog (1921)

Record Details:

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A5832 12 1.25 Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes. W. H. Squire, ’cello Silver Threads Among the Gold. (Danks.) W. H. Squire, ’cello A2783 10 .85 Drop Me Down in Dixieland. See Medley: ‘Tell Me.’’ A2016 10 .85 Drowsy Waters. Wailana Waltz. Louise and Ferera, Hawaiian guitar duet Hawaiian Medley Two-Step. Introducing ‘‘Maui’’ and *‘Aloha Oe.” Louise and Ferera, Hawaiian guitar duet A2722 10 .85 Dry Your Tears, See Medley: “Mummy Mine.’ DUETS. Records by the following artists will be found listed alphabetically. a Instrumental Duets. Biedermann and Von Wegern. Buono and Chiafferelli. Buono and McCann. Deiro, Pietro and Guido. Di Pace, Nino and Bernardo Di Pace. Ferera and Franchini . Geddes and Seville. Herborn and Wheeler. Jockers Brothers. Kalani and Kalei. Kopp and Banta. Kopp and Chapman. Kopp and Jospe. Louise and Ferera. Lua and Kaili. lufsky and Flavella. Lufsky and Hughes. Lufsky and Kopp. Lufsky and Stanzione. Stell and Biedermann. Stell and Schuetze. Wagner and Lufsky. Vocal Duets. Alessandrovitch and Bendinelli. Ash and McMahon. Asher and Rodeheaver. Barbour and Harrison.» Barrientos and Hackett. Barrientos and Lazaro. Barrientos and Stracciari. Blanchart and Mardones. Brice and King. Bronskaja and Freeman, Brown and Harrison. Burr and Hall. Burr and Lenox. Burr and Miles. Burr and Stoddard. Campbell and Burr. Cattorini and Bendinelli. Cattorini and Paganelli. Collins and Harlan. Constantino and Blanchart. Coombs and Aldwell. Destinn and Zenatello. Dufranne and Scott. Farber and James. Farber Sisters. Fields and Kaufman. Gay and Zenatello. Golden and Heins. Golden and Hughes. Golden and Marlow. Hackett and Stracciari Harrison, Charles and Flack, Harrison, James and Anthony. Harrison, Charles and James, Lewis. Harrison, Charles and_ Rice, Gladys. Harrod and Marr. Harrod. and Miller. Hayward and Tesseman. Jones and Gillette. Jones and O’Connell. Jones and Robbins. Jones and Van Brunt. Kaufman, Irving and Jack. Kerns and Gardner. Kerns and Miller. Kerns and Potter. Kerns and Stuart. Lawrence and Miller. Lewis and Ash. Lewis and Wilson. McMahon and Ash. Miller and Wheeler. Miura and Kittay. Morgan and Stanley. Nash and Ash. Patterson and Jell. Patterson and Keyes. Ponselle, Rosa and Carmela. Ponselle and Maurel. Porter and Jones. ‘Porter and Murray. Reed and Harrison. Rice and Burr. Van and Schenck. Villani and Cartica. Weber and Fields. Wheaton and Harrod. Young and Reardon. Young and Weston, This catalog is only a partial list of Columbia Records—ask for the latest monthly supplement.