Columbia Record Catalog (1921)

Record Details:

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Ha z iocslapeel] COLUMBIA RECORDS | A2016 A2077 A1702 A5960 A2893 A2893 A2761 A2918 Ai993 A2119 A2760 A2916 E4440 A2488 A1516 A2192 10 10 10 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 85 1.50 85 85 85 -85 85 85 85 HAWAIIAN MUSIC—Instrumentai—Continued. Wailana Waltz. (Drowsy Waters) and Hawaiian Medley TwoStep. Introducing ‘‘Maui’ and ‘‘Aloha Oe.” Louise and Ferera. Hawaiian Guitar Duet Waiu Lulilui. Louise, Ferera and Kainoa. Guitar and ukulele trio and Kalaluhi’s Hawaiian Medley of Hulas. Introducing (1) “My Honolulu Tom Boy,” (2) “My Honolulu Hula Girl,” (3) “On the Beach at Waikiki,” (4) “Waikiki.” Biltmore Kalaluhi Hawaiian Orchestra Ua Like No A Like and One, Two, Three, Four. Toots Paka Hawaiian Company. Ukulele and guitar accompaniment Vocal. Aloha Oe and Juanita. Lucy Gates and Columbia Stellar Quartette Beautiful Hawaiian Love and Hawaiian Hours With You. Campbell and Burr Hawaiian Hours With You and Beautiful Hawaiian Lové. Campbell and Burr Hawaiian Nights. Waltz. and Sweet Hawaiian Moonlight. Waltz. Introducing ‘‘Halona.” Kalaluki Hawaiian Orchestra Hawaiian Nights. Waltz. Louise and Ferera. Waikiki Orches tra and Malanai Anu Ka Makani. (Lanai’s Cold Winds.) Introducing ‘“‘Ke Aloha I Hiki Mai.’ (Flower of My Heart.) Louise and Ferera. Hawaiian guitar duet Pua Mohala. Henry N. Clark and Hawaiian Octette. Guitar and ukulele accompaniment and Hawaiian Medley. Introducing (1) Moanalua Hula. (2) Maunawili. (3) Neleana. Louise and Ferera. Hawaiian guitar duet HAWAIIAN OCTETTE. See: “Biltmore Kalaluki Hawaiian Orchestra.”’ Hawaiian-Portuguese Tango. Louise, Ferera and Kainoa, guitar and ukulele trio Songs From Hawaii. Introducing ‘“‘Maui Girl.”? Waltz Medley. Louise and Ferera, guitar duet Hawaiian Smiies. Waltz. Yerkes Jazarimba Orchestra Incidental whistling by Joe Belmont Wild Honey. (David.) Fox-Trot. Waldorf-Astoria Dance Orchestra Hawaiian Smiles. Waltz. (EHarl.) Ferera and Franchini, Hawaiian guitar duet In the Heart of Hawaii. (Lewis and Casey.) Louise and Ferera. Hawatian guitar duet Hay Harvest. Russian Balalaika Orchestra At a Russian Inn. Russian Balalaika Orchestra HAYDN, FRANZ JOSEF. Born Rohrau, lower Austria, 1732; died Vienna, 1809. One of the greatest of all masters of melody. Much of his melodic contour is truly majestic and in his oratorios, more especially ‘‘The Creation,”? he easily rivals Handel. He has often been called ‘‘the father of modern orchestral music.”’ The prodigal use which he made of his gift is shown in the list of his compositions, which is enormous. (Compositions see: ‘‘Children’s Symphony.’’) HAYMAN, JOE. Cohen at the Real Estate Office and Cohen Calls His Tailor On the Phone Cohen On the Telephone and Happy Tho’ Married. Fred Duprez Cohen Telephones From Brighton. Joe Hayman and Company and Cohen Telephones the Health Department 148