Columbia Record Catalog (1921)

Record Details:

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So AGOSG 12 1.25 A5794 ‘A 929. A1362 Ai6G86 A1856 A2099 A5952 A6135 A1369 A1720 A2628 A5734 A2955 E2860 A3016 A2119 a 77719 12 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 10 10 10 12 10 10 10 10 10 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 pounlepae] COLUMBIA RECORDS | Some Shape. (Cobb.) One-Step. Jockers Brothers, violin and piano duet Mama’s Blues. (Johnson and Farrell.) Medley Fox-Trot. Introducing (1) “After To-night.” (Farrell.) (2) “Then You’re Dancing An American Rag.’ (Ward.) Jockers Brothers, violin and piano duet Some Sort of Somebody. See Medley: ‘On the Shore at Le Lei Wei.” Something You Don’t Expect. “ (Williams. ) Bert Williams Play ‘That Barber-Shop Chord. (Muir.) Bert Williams Sometime We’ll Understand. (McGranahan.) William McEwan My Mother’s Prayer. (Weeden.) William McEwan Somewhere a Voice Is Calling. (Tate.) Kerns and Stuart Whispering Hope. (Hawthorne.) Kerns and Potter Somewhere a Voice Is Calling. (Tate.) Revillon Trio, violin, ’cello and piano Underneath the Stars. (Spencer.) Taylor Trio, violin, ’cello and piano Somewhere a Voice Is Calling. (Tate.) Fred Allen, saxophone solo The Sunshine of Your Smile. (Ray.) Fred Allen, saxophone solo Sonata, Opus 31, No. 8. (Beethoven.) Minuet. Columbia Symphony Orchestra In a Monastery Garden. (Ketelbey.) Columbia Symphony Orchestra and Male Chorus. With bird imitations by Sybil Sanderson Fagan Sonata in A Major. Turkish March. (Mozart.) Philharmonic Orchestra of New York Cortege du Sardar (March of the Sirdar), from Caucasian Sketches. (Ippolitow-Iwanow.) Philharmonic Orch. of New York Song of Canada. (Semon.) Andrea Sarto O Canada, (Lavallee.) Columbia Mixed Quartette Song of Naples. (De Curtis.) Guido Deiro, accordion solo Hungarian Rag. (Lenzberg.) Guido Deiro, accordion solo Song of the Chimes. (Cradle Song.) (Worrell.) Barbara Maurel The Slumber Boat. (Gaynor.) Barbara Maurel Song of the Flea (Chanson de la Puce), from Moussorgsky’s “Damnation of Faust.’ In French. Oscar Seagle Hérodiade: Vision fugitive. In French. Oscar Seagle Song of the Orient. Fox-Trot. (Rosenthal.) Art Hickman’s Orchestra The Love Nest. Medley Fox-Trot. Introducing ‘‘Mary” from coVaiysc. wan Hirscit.) Art Hickman’s Orchestra Song of the Volga Boatmen. Russian Balalaika Orchestra Longing For Our Country. Russian Balalaika Orchestra Sovg of the Wood-Bird. (Waldvoglein.) Guido Gialdini, whistler Birds in Springtime. (Wiggert.) Henneberg and Fritze, piccolo duet Songs From Hawaii. Introducing “Maui Girl.” (Waltz Medley.) Leuise and Ferera, guitar duet Hawaiian-Portuguese Tango. (Louise.) Louise, Ferera and Kainoa, guitar and ukulele trio Songs My Mother Taught Me. (Dvofrak.) Hulda Lashanska 348