Columbia Record Catalog (1921)

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eve uc5 Seber anton 3. AP . ere | COLUMBIA RECORDS | SONGS AND BALLADS—Continued. 30486 {From the Land of the Sky-Blue Water. (Cadman.) 12 in. $3.00] Mighty Lak’ a Rose. (Nevin.) Lillian Nordica. A3074 {Jwankydillo. Bentley Ball. 10 in. 85¢] Loch Lomond. sentley Ball. A3087 {Old Dan Tucker. Bentley Ball. 10 in. 85c (The Little Old Log Cabin. Bentley Ball. A3085 {Jesse James. (Cowboy Song.) sentley Ball. 10 in. 85¢|The Dying Cowboy. (Cowboy Song.) Bentley Ball. CHILDREN’S STORIES The Joy of the Beautiful Pine. Thornton W. Burgess. (With A7524 chimes and orchestra.) 5 12 in, $1.25) Johnny Chuck Finds the Best Thing in the World. Thornton W., Burgess. A7525 {Litle Joe Otter’s Slippery Slide. Thornton W. Burgess. 12 in. $1.25 Peter Rabbit Plays a Joke. Thornton W. Burgess. A7526 How Old Mr. Toad Won a Race. Thornton W. Burgess. 12 in. $1.25 How Old Mr. Toad Happened to Dine With Buster Bear. Thoriton W. Burgess. A7527 { When Old Mr. Toad Was Puffed Up. ‘Thornton W. Burgess. 12 in.’ $1.25 Buster Bear Gets a Good Breakfast. Thornton W. Burgess. A7528 { Little Joe Otter Tries To Get Even. Thornton W. Burgess. 12 in. $1.25 The Teaching of Reddy Fox. Thornton W. Burgess. A1605 f Raggedy Man. (James Whitcomb Riley.) Harry EE. Humphrey. 10 in. 85clA Visit from St. Nicholas. (Moore.) Harry E. Humphrey. INSTRUMENTAL NOVELTIES A3072 { The Music Box. (Laidlow.) Columbia Miniature Orchestra. 10 in. 85c] Serenade. (Filippucci.) Bassoon and Harp duet. A3091 { March of the Little Lead Soldiers. (Pierne.) Prince’s Orchestra, 10 in. 85c¢l Venetian Love Song. Prince’s Orchestra. Humoresque on Two American Folk Songs. “Dixie and “Old A7534 Folks at-Home.” Zoellner String Quartette. 12 in. $1.25) Genus Loci (In Highest Thought.) (Thern.) Zoellner String Quartette. PRIMARY SONGS Good Morning-——-Wind Song—Mischievious Brownies, [From Pri A2868 mary Melodies. (Ginn & Co.) Sung-by Marjorie B. Brundage. 10 in. 85¢) My Fiddle—The Eskimo—The Whistles. From Primary Melodies, (Ginn & Co.) Sung by Marjorie B. Brundage. Fancies—A Funny Story. From New Educational Music Course First Reader. (Ginn & Co.) Sung. by Marjorie B. Brundage. A2869 In Shadowtown—The Owl—Sleeping Snowdrops. From New Wdu a0" in. 85¢ cational Music Course—First Reader. (Ginn & Co.) Sung by Marjorie B. Brundage. This catalog is only a partial list of Columbia Records — ask for the latest monthly supplement. 487