Communist infiltration of Hollywood motion-picture industry : hearing before the Committee on Un-American activities, House of Representatives, Eighty-second Congress, first session (1951)

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COMMUNISM IN MOTION-PICTURE INDUSTRY 461 Mr. Jackson. Who was that at that time ? Miss Winters. The head of the studio at that time was Charles Rogers. And I worked for a few writers and directors; I don't quite remember how many. Mr. Jackson. And to whom were you secretary at RKO? Miss Winters. I was not a secretary. I was not assigned to any- body in particular at RKO. My employment there was very short. I was in the stenographic department. Mr. Jackson. And at Paramount? Miss Winters. I worked in the story department. Mr. Jackson. Under whose direction ? Miss Winters. William Dozier was then head of the story depart- ment, and I would say I presume it was for him that I worked, actually. Mi*. Jackson. He was your immediate superior ? Miss Winters. No. Several people worked under him. A man named John Hanighan had direct charge of the story-hies department, and for a time Meta Reis Rosenberg had that position and I worked for her. Mr. Jackson. Is that where you made the contact that later led to your employment at Berg-Allen Berg ? Miss Winters. That is correct. Mr. Jacksun. I will say that the mention of these names should in no way be construed as a connotation of Communist affiliation. No further questions. Mr. Wood. Mr. Potter. Mr. Potter. No questions. Mr. Wood. Any further questions, Mr. Counsel? Mr. Tavenner. How long did you work for Berg-Allen Berg? Miss Winters. As far as I remember, from 1945 to 1948 or 1949; I am not sure. Mr. Tavenner. That is all, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Wood. Do you desire to retain this witness ? Mr. Tavenner. No, sir. Mr. Gorenfeld. Do I understand the witness is excused? Mr. Wood. Yes. Mr. Gorenfeld. Thank you. (Witness excused.) Mr. Wood. The committee will stand at recess until 10:30 tomorrow morning. (Thereupon, at 12:10 p. m., a recess was taken until Thursdav, May 17, 1951, at 10: 30 a. m.)