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COMMUNIST INFILTRATION OF HOLLYWOOD MOTION- PICTUEE INDUSTRY—PART 4 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1951 House of Representatives, Subcommittee of the Committee on Un-American Activities, Los Angeles, Calif. A Subcommittee of the Committee on Un-American Activities met pursuant to call at 9: 50 a. m. in room 518 Federal Building, Los Angeles, Calif., Hon. John S. Wood (chairman) presiding. Committee members present: Representatives John S. Wood (chairman), Francis E. Walter, Donald L. Jackson, Clyde Doyle, and Charles E. Potter. Staff members present: Frank S. Tavenner, Jr., counsel; Thomas W. Beale, Si\, assistant counsel; Louis J. Russell, senior investigator; William A. Wheeler, investigator; and John W. Carrington, clerk. Mr. Wood. The subcommittee wil be in order. Please let the record disclose that acting under the authority vested in me as chairman of the Committee on Un-American Activities of the House of Representatives, I have designated a subcommittee to continue the hearings that were initiated in March of this year. That subcommittee consists of Mr. Walter of Pennsylvania, Mr. Doyle of California, Mr. Jackson of California, Mr. Potter of Michigan. There are present of that subcommittee all of them except Mr. Doyle, whose presence is expected momentarily. I would like to take advantage of this opportunity to express thanks and appreciation of the subcommittee to Mr. James J. Boyle, United States marshal for the southern district of California, for the effi- cient manner in which he has performed the duties of his office in serving subpenas for the attendance of witnesses at this hearing; Mr. E. F. Stillwell, the superintendent of the building, for his splen- did cooperation in making facilities available to us; and to the Signal Corps of the United States Army for making this public-address system available to us at these hearings. I would also like to express the appreciation of the committee for the splendid cooperation of many other of the citizen groups and organizations in and around Los Angeles for their many expressions of cooperation and splendid assistance, including the press, radio, television, and many private groups and indvduals. In this connection I would like to read one of the communications which is typical of the character of the cooperation that this com- mittee has received and is receiving in its efforts here to make an in- vestigation in subversive influences, particularly in the field of enter- 1415