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1416 COMMUNISM IN MOTION-PICTURE INDUSTRY tainment. I would like to read the following letter directed to me as chairman under date of today which has just been handed to me. [Reading:] Dear Mr. Wood: With regard to the hearings of the Un-American Activities Committee which start September 17, we beg to call your attention to the fol- lowing: The signatories to this letter comprise the representatives of the producers, actors, writers, directors, and practically all of the guilds and unions whose members are engaged in the production of motion pictures, and which, together, constitute the Motion Picture Industry Council. On March 21, 1951, this organization stated : "The Motion Picture Industry Council reaffirms its consistent opposition to communism, its works, its members, its methods. It wants to emphasize that, with the overwhelming majority of the American people, it believes that a 'clear and present danger' to our Nation exists. The Motion Picture Industry Council offers its strength and support to any legally constituted body that has as its object the exposure and destruction of the international Communist Party conspiracy." Our position is no different today than it was earlier in the year when the March 21st statement was made. The Motion Picture Industry Council speaks on behalf of the motion picture industry in Hollywood. We wish to make crystal clear our complete repudiation of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions Council and any right of that organization to speak for any branch of the motion picture industry in attacking the purposes and objectives of your body. Statements have been made that there has been resistance to the employment of individuals because of their activity in the fight against communism. We declare such statements to be completely untrue. It is our understanding that a number of witnesses have been subpenaed to testify before your body. This country is engaged in a war with communism. Eighty-seven thousand American casualties leave little room for witnesses to stand on the first and fifth amendments; and for those who do, we have no sympathy. We commend and encourage those who testify to their complete repudiation of communism and effectively demonstrate their loyalty to our country. It is our hope that witnesses will testify honestly, freely and fully, in cooperation with your committee. In this time of crisis, we believe that the demands of American patriotism makes necessary that witnesses respond to the call of their country, as represented by your committee, and give you all information necessary to the success of your objective. We are hopeful that through and as a result of the hearings of your com- mittee, ways and means will be provided which will enable the Nation to fairly, legally and effectively deal with the problem of communism or subversive elements. Very truly yours, The Motion Picture Industry Council for — Association of Motion Picture Producers, Artists' Managers Guild, Hollywood AFL Film Council, Independent Motion Picture Producers Association, Independent Office Workers, Screen Actors Guild, Screen Directors Guild, Screen Producers Guild, Screen Writers Guild, Society of Independent Motion Picture Producers, Society of Motion Picture Art Directors, United Production Managers Guild. I would like to call further to the attention of the audience that is present, this committee is here as representatives of the American Congress and the American people and is charged with the responsi- bility of doing a duty imposed upon it by the Congress. This hearing room has been made available to this committee for this service and is temporarily under its control. This audience is here as a courtesy