Communist infiltration of Hollywood motion-picture industry : hearing before the Committee on Un-American activities, House of Representatives, Eighty-second Congress, first session (1951)

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1488 COMMUNISM IN MOTION-PICTURE INDUSTRY Mr. Daggett. Yes; I am. Mr. Wood. Will counsel give his name and address. Mr. Kenney. Robert Kenny, 250 North Hope, Los Angeles. TESTIMONY OF CHARLES DAGGETT, ACCOMPANIED BY HIS COUNSEL, ROBERT W. KENNY Mr. Tavenner. You are Mr. Charles Daggett? Mr. Daggett 1 . That's right. Mr. Tavenner. When and where were you born ? Mr. Daggett. Springfield, Mo. Mr. Tavenner. What has been your educational background ? Mr. Daggett. The public schools and the high school in Los Angeles. Mr. Tavenner. How have you been employed ? Mr. Daggett. All of my life ? Mr. Tavenner. No ; since Mr. Daggett. All my working life, that is ? Mr. Tavenner. Since you have been earning a living. Mr. Daggett. As a newspaperman from 1928 until 1939 or 1940, principally. Mr. Tavenner. Just a moment. Where were you a newspaperman between 1928 and 1940? Mr. Daggett. Well. I worked on the Los Angeles Times three times. Mr. Tavenner. When ? Mr. Daggett. Once as a sports writer when I was going to high school. I can't remember the exact date. Around 1928, I believe; 1927,1926. My first regular newspaper job was on the old Los Angeles Record from about 1929 until 1932 or 1933, I believe. I worked on the Los Angeles Examiner here. I worked on the Los Angeles Daily News, and I worked on Daily Variety in Hollywood. I have also worked on the Seattle Star in Seattle, Mr. Tavenner. All right, sir. What other employment have you had more recently? Mr. Daggett. Since about 1940, except for a period of time when I did work on Variety, I have been a publicist and a public relations counsel. Mr. Tavenner. Acting for whom? Mr. Daggett. A rather large list, if you don't mind. I worked for Selznick—David Selznick pictures. I worked for Samuel Goldwyn. I was a public relations counsel and ghost writer for James Roosevelt, I worked for United Productions of America. I worked for the Cag- ney Co., and I believe I did publicity in an independent firm for a number of distinguished stars, including Laurence Olivier, Vivien Leigh, Jane Russell, the woman who was married to Clark Gable who died whose name I cannot recall—Carole Lombard—and a number of personalities of that order. Mr. Tavenner. How are you presently employed? Mr. Daggett. I am not employed. Mr. Tavenner. How long have you been unemployed ? Mr. Daggett. Since the end of last week. Mr. Tavenner. Where were you employed at that time? Mr. Daogett. I was working for a company known as United Pro- ductions of America.