Communist infiltration of Hollywood motion-picture industry : hearing before the Committee on Un-American activities, House of Representatives, Eighty-second Congress, first session (1951)

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1528 COMMUNISM IX MOTION-PICTURE INDUSTRY and professions, to use the title of this organization. It is art by decree, science by decree, writing by decree. The Constitution of the Soviet Union—I have read it and it is a beautiful document. It guarantees freedom of the press, freedom of religion. Among other things, I take this to mean, freedom of religion to mean freedom to worship Stalin to whatever extent one wishes; freedom of the press, I must say. must mean freedom to read every issue of Pravda or every other issue of Pravda. There isn't much choice. I think, also, that there have been charges that this committee has been smearing Hollywood. Again this is the Communist tactic of reversing the actual situation, because when a man says, "I am not on trial here, the committee is on trial,'"' I believe someone said that at an earlier hearing. (At this point Representative Donald L. Jackson left the hearing room.) Mr. Townsend. In my opinion I think the smearing of the indus- try has been done by the Communist Party, a small minority within this basically decent industry and basically decent community. I think that this community, together with the motion-picture indus- try, can, with this hearing, put an end to the Communist smear cam- paign. I would like to say for myself that I am grateful for the dignity and fairness with which I have been treated and with which this committee operates. I am convinced that you are after information, not headlines. I think there is no martyrdom here except those who choose martyrdom. I would like to say that I have aided this committee, as I believe we face a strong potential enemy abroad, an enem}* which shouts of peace while it prepares for war. while it is aiding—and killing Americans in Korea at this moment. I think to keep our Nation strong all of us who can help must do what we can to expose the enemy within our country. Mr. Tavenner. I have no further questions, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Wood. Before yielding to the members of the committee for such questions as they may desire to ask the witness, it is approaching the noon hour and we will take a recess for 1 hour. (Whereupon a recess was taken at 12: 30 p. m. until 1: 30 p. m. of the same day.) AFTERNOON SESSION (Whereupon, at the hour of 1: 50 p. m. of the same day, the pro- ceedings were resumed, the same parties being present.) Mr. Wood. The committee will be in order, please. I would like to take advantage, of this opportunity to reannounce and reaffirm the long-standing policy of this committee that any person whose name is identified before this committee in testimony of any other witness as having been connected or associated with either the Communist Party or any other subversive organization, that this committee will be glad to afford them an opportunity to appear before the committee at such time as may be mutually arranged for the purpose of replying to such accusation, denying or explaining the same. Are you ready to proceed, Mr. Counsel ? Mr. Tavenner. Yes, sir.