Communist infiltration of Hollywood motion-picture industry : hearing before the Committee on Un-American activities, House of Representatives, Eighty-second Congress, first session (1951)

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COMMUNISM IN MOTION-PICTURE' INDUSTRY 1551 Mrs. Levitt. That is correct. Actually, I used the name Helen Slote professionally during- the years that I worked. Mr. Wood. You mean since your marriage? Mrs. Levitt. Yes. Mr. Tavenner. Were you at any time executive secretary of Actors' Laboratory ? Mrs. Levitt. I decline to answer that on the grounds previously stated. Mr. Tavenner. Were you a member of Actors' Laboratory and active in its affairs at any time while you were employed in a secre- tarial capacity by a theatrical group ? Mrs. Levitt. Would you give me that again, please? Mr. Tavenner. Were you active in the affairs of the Actors' Labo- ratory at the same time that you were employed by a theatrical group, as you stated a moment ago ? Mrs. Levitt. It seems to be the same question so I think I will give you the same answer, a refusal on the same grounds. Mr. Tavenner. W T ere you the financial director of branch F of the northwest section of the Communist Party of Los Angeles at any time ? Mrs. Levitt. Will you repeat that, please? Mr. Tavenner. Were you a financial director of branch F of the northwest section of the Communist Party ? Mrs. Levitt. I decline to answer that question on the ground of the fifth amendment. Mr. Tavenner. Or of any branch of the Communist Party? Mrs. Levitt. I decline to answer that on the ground of the fifth amendment. Mr. Tavenner. Were you ever a delegate to a State Communist con- vention, to be more particular, to the one held in Los Angeles Sep- tember 24, 1944? Mrs. Levitt. I decline to answer that on the same grounds. Mr. Tavenner. Were you present at that convention ? Mrs. Levitt. I decline to answer that on the same grounds. Mr. Tavenner. Were you at any time literary director of a club of the Communist Party ? Mrs. Levitt. They all seem to be different forms of the same ques- tion. I decline to answer on the ground that it might tend to incrimi- nate me. Mr. Tavenner. Did you at any time obtain from the Lincoln Book Shop literature for use in the Communist Party meetings? Mrs. Levitt. I decline to answer on the same ground. Mr. Tavenner. The committee is in possession of information in- dicating that there was issued to you in 1944 a Communist Political Association book No. 4G945. Were you issued a Communist Political Association book? Mrs. Levitt. I decline to answer on the same grounds. Mr. Tavenner. Are you acquainted with Marjorie Potts ? Mrs. Levitt. I decline to answer that question on the grounds it might tend to incriminate me. Mr. Tavenner. Were you a delegate to the Los Angeles County Communist Party Convention of October 30-31,1943? Mr. Levitt. I decline to answer that on the grounds that it might tend to incriminate me.