Communist infiltration of Hollywood motion-picture industry : hearing before the Committee on Un-American activities, House of Representatives, Eighty-second Congress, first session (1951)

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COMMUNIST INFILTRATION OF HOLLYWOOD MOTION- PICTURE INDUSTRY—PART 5 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1951 United States House of Representatives, Subcommittee of the Committee on Un-American Activities, Los Angeles* Calif. PUBLIC HEARING A subcommittee of the Committee on Un-American Activities met pursuant to adjournment at 10: 10 a. m. in room 518, Federal Build- ing, Los Angeles, Calif., Hon. John S. Wood (chairman), presiding. Committee members present: Representatives John S. Wood (chairman), Francis E. Walter, Clyde Doyle, Donald L. Jackson, and Charles E. Potter. Staff members present: Frank S. Tavenner, Jr., counsel; Thomas W. Beale, Sr., assistant counsel; Louis J. Russell, senior investigator; William A. Wheeler, investigator; and John W. Carrington, clerk. Mr. Wood. Let the committee be in order, please. Let the record disclose that the entire subcommittee is present. Are you ready to proceed, Mr. Counsel ? Mr. Tavenner. Yes, sir. Mr. Wood. Who do you have first ? Mr. Tavenner. Mrs. Ellenore Abowitz. Mr. Wood. Mrs. Abowitz. Mr. Kenny. I am representing Mrs. Abowitz. She doesn't seem to have arrived yet. She will be here shortly, I'm sure. Mr. Wood. Does it interfere with your program, Mr. Counsel ? If so we will take a short recess until she comes. Mr. Tavenner. What is your judgment of the time she will arrive? Mr. Kenny. I talked to her earlier this morning and she lives quite a distance out and she was on her way down. I expect her any moment. Mr. Tavenner. If that is so then, Mr. Chairman, I suggest that we wait a few minutes. Mr. Wood. Very well. The committee will stand in recess for 5 minutes to see if she will arrive in that time, and if not we will proceed with something else. (A short recess was here taken.) Mr. Wood. Let the committee be in order. Mr. Tavenner. Mr. Chairman, I am informed that the witness has had transportation difficulties and it may be as much as a half hour before she arrives. In light of that I think we may as well proceed with another witness. 1639