Communist infiltration of Hollywood motion-picture industry : hearing before the Committee on Un-American activities, House of Representatives, Eighty-second Congress, first session (1951)

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2118 COMMUNISM IN HOLLYWOOD MOTION-PICTURE INDUSTRY Mr. Prokop. Yes; I do think it was earlier but I would have to look it up. Mr. Wheeler. What is your present address ? Mr. Prokop. I have two addresses; one business and one home address. Mr. Wheeler. We would like both. Mr. Prokop. The business address is 10974 West Pico; the home address is 12033 Goshen Avenue. Mr. Wheeler. Are you a member of the Communist Party, Mr. Prokop ? Mr. Prokop. I am not a member (The witness consulted with counsel.) Mr. Prokop. If I may claim the privilege and retract that, I prefer to claim the privilege, if I can. Mr. Jackson. I presume that counsel's remarks were directed to the witness' constitutional rights ? Mr. Margolis. You have no right to assume anything, especially what my remarks might have been to the witness. I was just con- sulting with my client. Mr. Jackson. Your client did not ask for any consultation. Now, he has been subpenaed here to answer certain questions. Mr. Margolis. I consulted with him and I am his attorney and have a right to do so. Mr. Jackson. At the point where the witness was about to make his answer to the question, that had been directed by the investigator, the record should show that counsel intervened and a discussion took place, following which the witness claimed the privilege of the fifth amendment. Mr. Margolis. The record should also show that no one could un- derstand what he said and it can also show that I advised him and it can also show I will not tolerate any inquiry as to what I said to my client by anyone. Mr. Jackson. No one is inquiring into your discussion with your client. I am merely making the point, that from this time on, if the witness—and I want the witness to make note of this—if there is any question in your mind, as to whether or not you should answer a ques- tion, you have the right to ask your counsel for advice. Do you under- stand that? Mr. Prokop. Yes; thank you. Mr. Jackson. When counsel is requested for advice it is the privi- lege and the right, your privilege and right, to request such advice on questions which are not clear to you, and on questions which you may want to discuss with counsel. As you very well know, counsel is not here as an ironclad right, and I would so advise counsel. There have been many occasions in the past when witnesses have not been permitted counsel. Continue, if you will. Mr. Wheeler. Are you also known as Jack Frank? Mr. Prokop. I will claim the privilege. Mr. Wheeler. Have you ever been known as Jack Prokop? Mr. Prokop. That is my business name, yes, by the advice of the immigration authorities. Mr. Wheeler. Were you a member of the Communist Party before you entered the United States?