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COMMUNISM IN HOLLYWOOD MOTION-PICTURE INDUSTRY 2125 Mrs. Reynolds. I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it might incriminate me. Mr. Wheeler. I have no further questions. Mr. Jackson. Are you presently a member of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions Council ? Mrs. Reynolds. I refuse to answer that on the grounds it might incriminate me. Mr. Beale. I have some questions that I would like to ask. I understood you to say that you were employed in the Federal theater project during the WPA \ Mrs. Reynolds. Yes. Mr. Beale. What year was that \ Mrs. Reynolds. I can't remember. Mr. W heeler. I think it was in 1937. Mr. Beale. Approximately in 1937? Mrs. Reynolds. It was probably in the thirties, but I don't remem- ber the date. Mr. Beale. At that time were you required to sign an affidavit to the effect that you were not a member of any organization that advo- cated the overthrow of the Government, or what you might term a loyalty affidavit? Mrs. Reynolds. I don't remember. Mr. Beale. You do not recall whether or not you were required to sign such an affidavit \ Mrs. Reynolds. I don't remember what the procedure was in join- ing the Federal theater. Mr. Beale. This was after you became employed and not before you became employed. Mrs. Reynolds. I really don't remember. Mr. Beale. You have no recollection of signing such an affidavit? Mrs. Rey-nolds. No; I haven't. Mr. Beale. If you were required to sign such an affidavit, did you sign one ? Mr. Margolis. That is an "iffy" question. Mr. Beale. Let the witness answer the question. The question is this. You stated you had no recollection of having .signed a loyalty oath while you were employed in the Federal theater project. But if, after you were employed, that your continued em- ployment depended on you signing a loyalty oath, did you sign such an oath ? (Whereupon the witness consulted with counsel.) Mrs. Reynolds. I refuse to answer the question. It seems to be an "iffy'' question and it might tend to incriminate or degrade me. Mr. Beale. That is all I have. Mr. Wheeler. I should like to go back into your employment record for a moment. How have you been employed for the last 5 years? ("Whereupon the witness consulted with counsel.) Mrs. Reynolds. I may have had one studio job. I am sorry, but I can't remember the exact dates of all these things, but primarily my employment has been as a teacher. Mr. Wheeler. And for what school ?