Copyright term, film labeling, and film preservation legislation : hearings before the Subcommittee on Courts and Intellectual Property of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourth Congress, first session, on H.R. 989, H.R. 1248, and H.R. 1734 ... June 1 and July 13, 1995 (1996)

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466 Clean the gate frequently. At the end of each show, check for dirt and clean as necessary. Clean the lens as necessary. Unless specifically negotiated with the lender, do not use a platter projection system. With platter systems, the head and tail leader of each reel of film must be removed. Platter systems also have more guides and therefore are more likely to damage film. Drafted by the Public Access and Educational Use Task Force: John Belton (Rutgers University), David W. Packard (Stanford Theatre Foundation), Richard Prelinger (Prelinger Associates/Home Box Office), Eddie Richmond (UCLA Film and Television Archive), Karan Sheldon (Northeast Historic Film), James Watters (Universal City Studios), George Stevens, Jr. (independent producer). 42 Redefining Film Preservation