Le Courrier Cinématographique (Mar 1913)

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VI LE COURRIER CINEMATOGRAPHIQUE sent time business undertakings of a very wide extension, which are those of the future. Vice-President of the French Syndical Chamber of Cinematography, Mr. ‘Louis Aubert is, at the same time, President of the Departement of Hirers and Halthough he came only very late among his fellow-cinematographists, he his certainly one of the most prominent personalities on the French Market. AUAUAUAUAUAUAUAUAUAUAUAU NEWS A Last Advice. We should like to repeat, for documentary’s sake only, the address of the G. Guilbert’s firm, for which we publish, on page VII of our English Edition, a very interessant monography. The optic and precision apparatus machinery manufacture has its premises at Allée Verte No 4, Paris, and 40, Hatton Gardens, London. se Mendes Exhibition. Mr. G. Mendel, the great Parisian constructor, decided himself, at the very last moment, to expose his ‘ Halls 4 and “Homes” cinematography in the French Section, as well as his -well-known synchronism apparatus, which so grandly bring to realise the cinema and the gramophone unity. We mean, by the way, to remember people the prices of the Mendels apparatuses given by mistake in French money figures : The Electric Cinema, with it's electric power installation, giving electricity everywhere, comes up to. . . . £. 18 * The Electric Cinema, complete, to fix-up with all élÉCirIC-CUONTS MIO MM Le eee me His Synchronism, which can readily be fixed to any cinematograph or gramophone, to. . . . . . £. 20 LAS Je The Great Popular Film, 19, boulevard SaintDenis, Paris. This new born firm is already taxed with a really established authority. It will very soon become renowned, for the presents, to the public, the most ringing successes of the French repertory. After Tire-au-Flanc, the comical military comedy of MMrs Sylvane and Mouezy-Eon, who still keeps up her glorious standard, a new Greal Popular Film is going to be produced. It is the master-piece of that renowned populard writer, Paul Féval. Le Bossu (The Duke’s Motto), big knightly drama, in so pictures, played with world wide known actors and Henry Krauss, the prestigious creator of * Jean Valjean””, ofThe Miserables, in the part of ‘* Lagardère ?. — À dry Eminent French Artist Se Since a good many years Madam Renée Carl realised to make famous the productions of the celebrated St nemd Gaumont: She is a most beautiful and radiant 07 list, in every bit of meaning of the record, thourough!) knowing her bussiness, acting with tact, as much as Pre cision, all this seconded with a perfect parisian smart ness and always applauded. In thai sensational number to be sent to our Londot friends, when we were in a difficulty in choicin£ Madam RENÉE CARL amongst the gloriousful batch of beauties of our French cinematographic sceneries, the COURRIER is sinc® rely happy Lo devote these few lines, by far too sho1" to his most earnest abonnée. 4 Madam Renée Carl is a most charming and exquisile comedy artist. In London, as well as in Paris, the PU blic readily salute with happyness every one of het appearances on the screen, never seeming to see suflt cient of her. She is oo world-wide known, to make any more statements regarding her very necessary. il is honestly a fervent desire of ours, to pay het personal tribute of admiration and to present her 40 our London readers through a modest photo, unhaÿ” pily very imperfect. As for. the very high estimaïion they profess for th subtile talent of that impeccable artist, all those awh0 have applauded the creator of the great artistic films glory of the Gaumont Cy, will. certainly testify to this without further details.