The book of radio; a complete, simple explanation of radio reception and transmission, including the outstanding features of radio service to the public by private and government agencies (1922)

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LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xxix FIGURE PAGE 69. Special fuse block connected to the house circuit . . 71 70. Closed core transformer for spark transmitter . . 72 71. Navy type Leyden jar 73 72. Glass plate and rack transmitting condenser ... 73 73. Dubilier mica condenser 74 74. Sectional moulded condenser for transmitting circuits 75 75. Quenched spark gap for transmitting 77 76. Diagram showing the effect of quenching a spark . . 77 77. Rotary gap 78 78. Enclosed rotary gap 78 79. Open spark gap 79 80. Oscillation transformer 79 81. Transmitting tuning coil 80 82. Pancake oscillation transformer 80 83. Wireless telegraph key 81 84. A complete transmitting circuit 81 85. 86, 87- Simple wave meter, diagram of connections and curve sheet 83 88. Hot-wire ammeter 84 89. Diagram of complete transmitter and receiver ... 84 90. Aerial switch 85 91. Undamped oscillations 87 92. Tone wheel 92 93. Rotary condenser 92 94. Two-element vacuum tube connection 97 95. Another experiment with two-element vacuum tube . 98 96. Two-element vacuum tube receiving circuit ... 99 97. Diagram of a three-element vacuum tube .... 99 98. Simple vacuum tube receiving circuit, using one tube . 101 99. 100, 101. Three Armstrong regenerative hook-ups . 102 102. Loop antenna with two stages of radio frequency am- plification, detector and one stage of audio frequency amplification 104 103. Radio frequency transformer 105 104. Two-stage audio frequency amplifier and detector with loop antenna 105