The theatre of science; a volume of progress and achievement in the motion picture industry (1914)

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of^cience 213 stories he went to the Vitagraph Studio to prepare because he quickly demonstrated an ability of that kind which Commodore Blackton and his associates are always on the alert for, so Trimble wrote the scenarios of many photoplays. It was here that he met Florence Turner in 1910, and through his ability as an author and producer, he became a vital part of the big studio. In less than three years, the struggling magazine writer reached the highest position attainable in that studio. Where Trimble's achievement is unique lies in the fact that while there are many players who have become famous in picturedom without the least stage experience, also many authors, practically all of the directors, had vast experience in the older field, yet Trimble was never associated with the theatre in any capacity. Truly there is that something about the Motion Picture art which develops the genius one possesses instanter. Alice Blache has the reputation of being the first woman to produce photoplays in her own studio, being the head of the Solax Film Company, one of the first of the group of independent film companies, and one of the very first to produce features in multiple reels. To this day the Solax production of "Fra Diavolo" has not been surpassed despite that the public response was such as to induce many similar efforts. Madame Blache has contributed a number of articles to magazines, the subject being the film producer's obligation to the public — these have always been extremely frank and have attracted wide comment in the industry. In that group of Independent film producers inaugurating their activities between 1908 and 1911, the output of the Rex Company was surely the most artistic.