Who's who on the screen (1920)

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Who's Who on the Screen WILLIAM DESMOND , William Desmond was-born in Dublin, Ireland, and came to the United States with his parents when-yet,a yojingster. He was educated in this coun- try, and began a stage career with the old Burbank Theatre Stock Company in Los Angeles, Cai. -His first appearance was in "Qup VadiS." Before long his talent was recogni^pd and he was starred in "The Judge and the Jury,'* and "The Bird of Paradise." His screen career began with Billie Burke in "Peggy" in which production he won instant favor with screen patrons. He has gained steadily in Jayor and his pictures released by Pathe are greeted by .an admiring public. "Bill".as he is called, is always in good physical trim. He is Ave feet eleven inches high, weighs 170 lbs., and hfts blacls Wr and blue eyeg, ■89