The photoplay; a psychological study (1916)

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BOOKS BY HUGO MUNSTERBERG Fgyeholoer and IiUe ff. 286, Boston, iSgg Gnmdziigre der PsycIioIoKle ^. j6s, Leifzie, igoo American Traits ^f, S3S, Boston, igoi Die Amerlbaner ffi. SOS and34Q, Berlin, 1904 {Rev. zgr2) Principles of Art Edncatian /#. iiS, New York, igos The Eternal XJfe ^. J2, Boston, igos Science and Idealism ^. jt, Boston, tgob FhiloBopIiie der Werte ff. 4S6, Leipzig, igoj On tlie Witness Stand pp. s6g. New York, 1008 Ans neatscli-Ameruia pp. 243, Berlin, jgog Xhe Eternal Talnes pp. 43b, Boston, igog Fsycliotherapy pp. 4or, New York, igog Fgychoiogy and the Teacher PP. 330, New York, igio Am^can Froblems pp. 220, New York, igio Fgycholosle nnd Wlrtschattsleben pp. ig2, Leipzig, ig'2 Tocation and lieanilng: pp. 2Sg, St. Louis, igi2 PsyehoIORT and Industrial ZSfflcieBey //- S2I^ Boston, igi3 Araericaa Fatriorasm pp. 2b2, New York, tgi3 Onmdzngre der Psyehoteclinlk fP- 7671 Leipzig, igi4 FsycIioioBy and Social Sanity pp. 320, New York, igi4 Fsychoiogry, General and Applied pp. 4S8, New York, igi4 The War and America pp. 210, New York, igi4 The Peace and America pp. sjb. New York, tgts The Photoplay — - New York, igib