The photoplay; a psychological study (1916)

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INNER DEVELOPMENT OF PICTURES faded away after a time. The coronation of the king or the inauguration of the president, the earthquake in Sicily, the great Derby, come, after all, too seldom. Moreover through the strong competition only the first comer gained the profits and only the most sensa- tional dashes of kinematographers with the reporter's instinct could lead to success in the eyes of the spoiled moving picture audiences. Certainly the history of these enterprises is full of adventures worthy to rank with the most dariag feats in the newspaper world. We hear that when the investiture of thei Prince of Wales was performed at Carnarvon at four o'clock in the afternoon, the public of London at ten o'clock of the same day saw the ceremony on the screen in a moving pic- ture twelve miautes in length. The distance between the two places is two himdred miles. The film was seven hundred and fifty feet long. It had been developed and printed in a special express train made up of long freight cars transformed into dark rooms and fitted with tanks for the dfevelopiag and washing and with a machine for printing and drying. Yet on the whole the current events were slowly losing ground even in Europe, while 23