The photoplay; a psychological study (1916)

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THE PHOTOPLAY need not ask in our further discussions about all wMcli books on moving pictures have so far put into the foreground, namely the phys- ical technique of producing the pictures on the film or of projecting the pictures on the screen, or anything else which belongs to the technical or physical or economic aspect of the photoplay industry. Moreover it is then evidently not our concern to deal with those moving pictures which serve mere curiosity or the higher desires for information and in- struction. Those educational pictures may give us delight, and certainly much esthetic enjoyment may be combined with the intel- lectual satisfaction, when the wonders of dis- tant lands are unveiled to us. The landscape setting of such a travel film may be a thing of beauty, but the pictures are not taken for art's sake. The aim is to serve the spread of knowledge. Our esthetic interest turns to the means by which the photoplay influences the mind of the spectator. If we try to understand and to explain the means by which music exerts its powerful effects, we do not reach our goal by describing the structure of the piano and of the violin, or by explaining the phys- 44