The photoplay; a psychological study (1916)

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THE PHOTOPLAY close-up has objectified in our world of per- ception our mental act of attention and by it has furnished art with a means which far transcends the power of any theater stage. The scheme of the close-up was introduced into the technique of the film play rather late, but it has quickly gained a secure position. The more elaborate the production, the more frequent and the more skillful the use of this new and artistic means. The melodrama can hardly be played without it, unless a most inartistic use of printed words is made. The close-up has to furnish the explanations. If a little locket is hung on the neck of the stolen or exchanged infant, it is not necessary to tell us in words that everyihing will hiage on this. locket twenty years later when the girl is grown up. If the ornament at the child's throat is at once shown in a close-up where everything has disappeared and only its quaint form appears much enlarged on the screen, we fix it in our imagination and know that we must give our fullest attention to it, as it will play a decisive part in the next reel. The gentleman criminal who draws his hand- kerchief from his pocket and with it a little bit of paper which falls down on the rug un- 88