Descriptive Catalogue of Kodascope Library 16mm Motion Pictures: Sixth Edition (1936)

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28 CLASS 1 — Travel, Sports, Manners and Customs an average poor player from which the subject takes its title. During the duffer's progress we are shown some of the correct methods of holding the clubs as well as some of the peculiarly clumsy methods for which the average duffer is famous. This subject will please either the amateur or professional golfer and has quite a good deal of interest even for one who cares nothing for the game. 393 jeet Rental $1.25 1069 CodeCAMUR Make or Break Sport Pictorial Featuring athletic sports which have been popular with young men from the time of ancient Greece to that of the modern college man. Very excellent normal and slow motion photography portrays the actual effort involved in throwing the javelin, discus, and the hammer, putting the shot and the track sports of 100 3'^ard dash, the mile relay, the high hurdle race, pole vaulting and the running high jump. The strenuous nature of some of the sports is very clearly indicated. 307 feet Rental fl.OO 1071 Code CANE Open Trails Sport Pictorial Introducing our national game of baseball and showing its tremendous appeal to vast multitudes. Babe Ruth is shown at the bat and making a home run. The reporters are shown transmitting the news over wires to 100 cities, while thousands of spectators applaud from the grandstand. Next are shown the tremendous crowds standing in front of the newspaper bulletin boards at distant points watching the progress of the game. From this we are transported to the great open spaces, with an entirely different kind of sport. First, bird shooting with splendid pictures of a pointer and a setter working in the fields and retrieving the game which is shot by the sportsman. An old Kentucky squirrel hunter is shown with his muzzle loading rifle. Next, in the Canadian wilds, is shown the calling and shooting of a bull moose. This subject is of particular interest to sportsmen. 366 jeet Rental $1.25 1073 Code CANO Quail Hunting From the "Field and Stream" series of sports pictures One of the "Field and Stream" series. The party makes an early start and accompanied by splendid bird dogs soon arrives at "Bob White's" headquarters. Quail are plentiful and in a few minutes the dogs have found a covey and are waiting for the hunters to come up. Then the birds take to the air and the hunters bag their first quarry of the day. The dogs bring in the quail and at once "hie out" for more. Excellent shots of dogs and hunters in action are afforded the spectator, and, after a long and successful day, the party returns tired but happy and with its game bags well filled. 363 feet Rental $1.25 1074 Code CANU Yellov^^stone National Park U. S. Gov't Produced under the direction of the Department of the Interior, and gives an excellent idea of the scenic wonders of America's greatest National Park. To secure subjects of your own choice