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Descriptive Catalogue of Pathéscope Films (1918)

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100 CLASS 9— Dramas REEL NO. TITLE PRODUCER to try to get back into prison. While robbing a house he hears a struggle overhead and rushes in to find a woman has shot Jenkins, who had attempted to kiss her. The police arrive, identities are learned and the ruthless Jenkins dies after being forgiven by Smithson. 526 and 527 On the Edge of the Precipice Pathe An Indian's revenge on a white trader's family for their refusal to give him whiskey. The stealing of their little baby and flight across a dangerous chasm, by means of a rope. The pursuit, and the Indian's dramatic death as he is pushed over the cliff into the rushing waters, by his forsaken sweetheart, make a real two reel thriller. Excellent drama, featuring Crane Wilbur as the trader, and Octavia Handworth as his wife. 531 to 536 The Bogus Bank Pathe A banker's plot to float worthless stocks, the swindling of the public, their discovery of the swindle, the banker's arrest and repayment. 538 to 543 The Martyrdom of a Queen Pathe Gabrielle Robinne and Rene Alexander Pietro Marancy, Prime Minister of Silistria and his wife (sister-in-law of the Queen) conspire against their sovereign. Knowing the Queen cares for Lieutenant Alexandre, one of the Imperial Guards, and fearing she will marry a second time, they endeavor to have him appointed Military Attache and sent to Paris. Their intrigue fails, so the Duchess craftily plans to avenge herself at a Persian fete given in the summer palace. She orders a costume exactly like her Queen's, and then makes an appointment with Alexandre in the gardens, where the two are discovered in loving embrace by the Queen herself. Shortly afterwards the palace catches fire and amidst the dreadful panic which ensues the Queen and the little Crown Prince are saved by Alexandre, who discloses his love for his Queen, but later decides that as it is so hopeless, he will leave the city. While riding, the Crown Prince is thrown from his horse and killed, and the unhappy Queen, her dearest possessions gone, abdicates the throne in favor of the Duke and her sister-in-law. Later, the ex-Queen and Alexandre are happily reunited. 545 to 549 His Life for His Country Pathe Adolphe Hardeff visits his friend Sigismond Modzel to study in an aviation school. While there he and hii friend's sister fall in love. War is declared between his country and that of his two chums and he leaves to join the aviation corp of his own army. Being brave and daring he is ordered to fly over the enemy's troops. He is attacked and a fierce and exciting air fight ensues. His machine is finally wrecked and falls to the ground. He takes refuge in a windmill where the battle continues, led by Modzel, whom he shoots. Hardeff is finally captured, by dynamiting the mill, and receives a serious injury from which he dies. His sweetheart, learning of his death, enters a convent. A very exciting md interesting war drama.