French Impressionist Cinema: Film Culture, Film Theory, and Film Style (December 1974)

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PO: PO Notes 1A hierarchic conception of history may be seen in the work of several analytic philosophers of history such as A. M. MacIver, Arthur C. Danto, and May Brodbeck. See A. M. MacIver, "Historical Explanation," in Antony Flew, ed., Logic and Langua e, First and Second series (New York: ‘Anchor, i565), pp. 410-427; Arthur Cc. Danto, Analytic Philosophy of History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 19 ; and May Brodbeck, "Methodological Individualisms: Definitions and Reductions." in Wiljiam Hy Dray, ed., Philosophical Analysis and History (New York: Harper and Row, 19 » POs 297529. eLeonard S. Meyer, Music, the Arts, and Ideas (Chicago: FHRCOLK LOB T I pag dGermaine Dulac, "Les Esthétiques, les Entraves, la Cinégraphie Intégrale," in Germaine Dulac et 8 AERO OT ia i Cinématographique, vol. IT (Parise: Atéan, 1927)... 42: Germaine Dulac, L'Avant-Garde," in Henri Fescourt, .edas Le Cinéma (Paris: Cygne, 19502) 64-3604 4 For samples of the treatment of Impressionism in English, see Gerald Mast's unreliable account in A Short History of the Movies (New York: BobierMerri 1. (3072). op. 230-242; Arthur Knight, The Liveliest Art (New York: New American Library, 1957), pp. 93-9 j-and-A.-H.-Biumer: "The Camera as Snowball: France 1918-1927," Cinema Journal IX, 2 (Spring 1970), 31-39. DHenri Agel, Miroirs de 1'Insolite dans le Cinéma Frangaise (Paris: Editions du Gert, 1950) 0p, Gomae. 6René Jeanne and Charles Ford, Histoire Eneyclopé dique du Cinéma, vol. Lan bitin Secteslllt dent ct 52 (Pierre Leprohon, Histoire du Cinéma ys -Vol sok CP aris : Editions du Cerf, 1961) ) pp. 75-81. 8Henri Langlois, "L'avant-garde frangaisse;™-Ca~ hiers du Cinéma, no. 202 (June-July 1968), 8-18. INoé1l Burch and Jean-Andre Fiéschi, "La premiere vague," Cahiers du Cinéma no. 202 (June-July 1968), 20~24. toe OU Oo Lnema