French Impressionist Cinema: Film Culture, Film Theory, and Film Style (December 1974)

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95 "l'interprétation de la nature par l'intelligence et la Sensibilité humaines au moyen de techniques spéciales."4 In such a view, the transforming power of the artist's imagination becomes central, as Paul Ramain suggests in seeing art as "renforcée par un tempérament: celui du fabriquant (peintre, poéte, musicien, cinéaste)."2 Canudo points out that in painting the graphic design is harmonized by a principle unique to the painter. © Expression is explicitly noted as the operative concept in artistic creation, as when Canudo praises the expressiveness of American cinema? and Ramain calls art "l'expression vivante idealisée."8 Although art is not equipped to copy reality faithfully and yield discursive knowledge, it does yield a feelingful truty. "Au cinéma," writes Canudo, "ainsi que dans les domaines de l'esprit, l'art consiste 4 suggérer des émotions, et non.a4 rélater des faits. .. . Seuls quelques €cranistes ont compris que la vérité cinématographique doit correspondre 4 la vérité littéraire, la vérité picturale."9 Epstein likewise praises the nondiscursive component of cinema: "Bien mieux qu'une idéGe, c'est un sentiment que le ciné apporte au monde."!9 Canudo's mention of "suggestion" hints that Impres sionist film theory's own variant of the art-as-expression y