Documentary News Letter (1940)

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DOCUMENTARY NEWS LETTER MAY 1940 THE GAS INDUSTRY FILM LIBRARY Points to remember about this Library are: ^ For liVoiiieii^s Organisations The Library has hhns on cooking, diet, housing, domestic science, public health and education. * For Seliools In addition to the general educational films, there are a few special instructional films for science teachers, and four silent films. * For Film Societies The Library includes some of the most striking documentary fihns of the last few years. "The Smoke Menace," "The Nutrition Film," "Cliildren at School," "Housing Problems" are there. * For All Borrowers There are 30 sound and 4 silent films to choose from. New copies are being added to meet the increased demand since the war. There is a catalogue of the films with a summary of their contents. All films except the four silent ones are available free on 35 mm. and 16 mm. from : — THE FILM OFFICER Rritish Coininor«*ial Gas Association 1 tirosveiior PInro. i^.W.l