Don's other life (1944)

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Marion and Sam look their admiration as the Breakfast Club premiers its newest find— Mary Ann Owens singing with her dad. You’ll hear more from this little lady later, but soon! You asked for it, so here it is. What did the soldier say? While interviewing a soldier one day, or was it a sailor, Don asked the question: "What have those two young couples in common?” Previously, he had selected two cards (from among those always filled out by the audience before they enter the studio) which stated that two couples were visiting the Breakfast Club on their honeymoon. Without announcing this fact, Don asked the two couples to arise. Picking a sailor, or was it a soldier, from the audi¬ ence he asked the famous question. When he ob¬ served a funny, shy look creep over the sail dier’s face he pulled the portable microphone behind his back and the reply didn’t go out over the air. Here’s what he said: "Are they expecting?”