20th Century-Fox Dynamo (June 3, 1939)

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NEW DYNAMO 3 K-7 SALES LEADERS ARE IN DANGER;DALLAS SECOND HENDRIX SPLURGES ON K-7 SELLING Texans, Quakers and Brewers Acquire Cozier Pegs Dallas’ Hendrix gave the K-7 leaders the jit- ters this week. In the salesmen’s standing, the Texan leaped from 17th to sixth place. But Pittsburgh’s Moore and Interrante and St. Louis’ Eskin continued to hold their ground — and were fighting it out for the throne. However, as the K-6 season nears its windup, salesmen are becoming more excitedly in- volved in the race for K-7 fea- ture product sales honors. It is anybody’s race, notwithstanding the fact that the three leaders are traveling at a spectacular pace. But, Washington’s Klein, who succeeded Cleveland’s Sam Lichter in fourth place, was giving the top trio plenty of action. A1 Laurice of San Francisco got going this week and leaped from the blanks’ section to 99th place. There are now only five salesmen who have not yet been credited with the sale of a single K-7 feature product deal. New Orleans’ Pabst swung in- to action, too, and is now a strong 10th, which means he gained eight places in the week. Up one went Irving Baskin of Memphis. The latter is now haunting Thorpe and Wyse who dropped one apiece. Dallas salesmen all advanced K-7 SALES NEWS BRANCHES 1 Atlanta 2 Pittsburgh 3 Los Angeles 4 Memphis 5 Cincinnati 6 Portland 7 Denver 8 Washington 9 Dallas 10 Charlotte 11 Albany 12 Des Moines 13 Frisco 14 Cleveland 15 St. Louis 10 Seattle 17 Minneapolis 18 Winnipeg- 10 Boston 20 Salt Lake 21 New Orleans 22 Omaba 23 New Haven 24 Indianapolis 25 Buffalo 20 Philadelphia 27 Milwaukee 28 Oklahoma 20 Kansas 30 New York 31 Chicago 32 Detroit 33 Calgary 34 St.John 35 Vancouver 30 Toronto 37 Montreal DISTRICTS 1 South 2 Coast 3 Atlantic 4 Mid-East 5 Prairie 0 Northeast 7 Midwest 8 Lakes 0 Canada DIVISIONS 1 West 2 East 3 Central SHORTS BRANCHES 1 Pittsburgh 2 Dallas 3 Los Angeles 4 Charlotte 5 Memphis 0 Winnipeg 7 Denver 8 Washington 0 St. Louis 10 Seattle 11 Albany 12 Cleveland 13 Salt Lake 14 Atlanta 15 Cincinnati 10 St. John 17 Frisco 18 Minneapolis 10 Oklahoma 20 New Orleans 21 Boston 22 Des Moines 23 Calgary 24 Omaha 25 Philadelphia 20 New Haven 27 Indianapolis 28 Milwaukee 20 Kansas 30 Chicago 31 Portland 32 Buffalo 33 Detroit 34 Toronto 35 New York 30 Montreal 37 Vancouver DISTRICTS 1 South 2 Atlantic 3 Coast 4 Mid-East 5 Prairie 0 Northeast 7 Midwest 8 Lakes 9 Canada DIVISIONS 1 2 3 Following is the standing of every branch, district and division on the sale of the 1930-40 (K-7) feature product, based on total contracts (including recorded tranches) sold against total possibilities, as of June 1: BRANCHES June Mao- ist Branch (Manager) 25th 1 Atlanta (Wilson) 1 2 Dallas (Beierdorf) 3 3 St. John (March) 2 4 Pittsburgh (Cohn) 4 5 Memphis (Young) 8 0 St. Louis (Reingold) 0 7 Los Angeles (Dillon) 5 8 Milwaukee (Lorentz) 14 9 Washington (Wheeler) .... 0 10 Winnipeg (Huber) 7 11 Minneapolis (Podoloff) 10 12 Charlotte (Longdon) 13 13 Boston (Callahan) Hi 14 Albany (Grassgreen) 20 15 Denver (Morrison) 11 10 Vancouver (Patterson) 12 17 Cincinnati (Grady) 18 18 Toronto (Bailey) 15 10 Kansas (Fuller) 10 DISTRICTS June May 1st Branch (Manager) 25th 20 Seattle (Edmond) 17 21 Des Moines (Mayer) 21 22 Salt Lake (Walker) 23 23 Cleveland (Schmertz) 22 24 Frisco (Ballentine) 24 25 New Orleans (Landaiche) . . .28 20 Omaha (Scott) 25 27 New Haven (Simon) 20 28 Oklahoma (Clark) 33 20 Calgary (Skorey) 27 30 Portland (Powers) 29 31 Indianapolis (Landis) 32 32 Buffalo (Samson) . . 30 33 Philadelphia (Gross) 34 34 New York (Buxbaum) 31 35 Chicago (Eckhardt) 35 30 Detroit (Strum) 30 37 Montreal (English) 37 MILWAUKEE GAINS FIVE/ MEMPHIS PUSHES UP THREE June May 1st District (Manager) 25th 1 South (Ballance) 1 2 Northeast (Bailey) 0 3 Atlantic (Moss) 2 4 Midwest (Scott) 5 5 Prairie (Levy) 3 DIVISIONS June May 1st District (Manager) 25th 0 Coast (—) 4 7 Canada (O’Loghlin) 7 8 Mid-East (Roberts) 8 0 Great Lakes (—) 0 June May 1st Division (Manager) 25th 3 Central (Gehring) 3 June Mao- ist Division (Manager) 25th 1 West (Kupper) 1 2 East (Sussman) ^2 Following is the standing of all branches, districts and divisions on accumulated 43 weeks’ short subjects delivery against quota for that period, as of May 27: into stronger positions. Hous- ton gained a little ground. Cin- cinnati’s Burkart, Salt Lake City’s McElhinney, Washing- ton’s Norris, Albany’s Dare, Philadelphia’s Tolmas and Char- lotte’s Ebersole strolled with good profit. Tolmas and Eber- sole are tied for the 25th land- ing. Mock of Charlotte upped one. Osborne of Oklahoma is teasing Chicago’s Simon who dropped nine. Osborne gained seven, but right behind him is Atlanta’s Fred Dodson. SALESMEN’S STANDING ON K-7 FEATURE LINEUP Following is the standing of every salesman on the sale of the 1030-40 (K-7) feature product, based on contracts sold against zone possibilities as of June 1: June May 1st Salesman (Branch) 25tli 1 Moore (Pittsburgh) 1 2 Interrante (Pittsburgh) ..... 2 3 Eskin (St. Louis) 3 4 Klein (Washington) 5 5 Lichter (Cleveland) 4 0 Hendrix (Dallas) 17 7 Wyse (Memphis) 0 8 Thorpe (Pittsburgh) 7 0 Baskin (Memphis) 10 10 Pabst (New Orleans) 18 11 Kellenherg (Pittsburgh) ... 9 12 Simons (Boston) 8 13 Cohan (Minneapolis) 11 14 Cohen (Minneapolis) 12 15 Sliter (Chicago') 13 10 Scheinberg (Cleveland) ... .14 17 Krupp (Winnipeg) 15 18 Houston (Dallas) 20 19 Burkart (Cincinnati) 23 20 Gottlieb (Des Moines) 57 21 McElhinney (Salt Lake) 22 22 Bernard (Frisco) 2i 23 Norris (Washington) 25 24 Dare (Albany) 27 25 *Tolmas (Philadelphia) . . . .24 20 *Ehersole (Charlotte) 31 27 Mock (Charlotte) 28 28 Simon (Chicago) 10 29 Connelly (Boston) 20 30 Osborne (Oklahoma) 37 31 Dodson (Atlanta) 47 32 Black (Indianapolis) 32 33 ^Diamond (Washington) . . . 34 34 * Williams (St. Louis) 40 35 * Scott (Calgary) 26 30 *Ware (St. Louis) 33 37 Erickson (Frisco) 51 38 Sliallross (New Orleans) ..55 30 Berner (Albany) 30 40 Paulson (Denver) 30 41 Needham (Cincinnati) 35 42 ^Humphries (Philadelphia)52 43 * James (Oklahoma) 40 44 Bugie (Cincinnati) 40 45 Horwitz (Milwaukee) 08 40 Goodanote (Chicago) 30 47 Lyons (Minneapolis) 38 48 Scott (Dallas).. 86 40 *Halloran (Omaha) 43 50 *Riegelman (Des Moines)..57 51 Mussman (Minneapolis) ... .42 52 *Murphy (Washington) 58 53 * Spear (Seattle) . .48 54 *Skillman (Philadelphia) .. .45 55 *Renme (Denver) 41 June May 1st Salesman (Branch) 25th 56 *Ironlield (Omaha) 44 57 *Gold (Boston) ,59 58 Michel (Milwaukee) 72 50 Gribble (Dallas) 00 00 Carrow (Detroit) 02 01 Rowell (Buffalo) 50 02 Feloney (Boston) 53 03 Berke (Omaha) 04 04 Knickerbocker (Kansas) . . .50 05 Kinser (Kansas) 60 06 Naegel (Cincinnati) 63 07 ^Hancock (Indianapolis) . . .01 08 *Laseter (Atlanta) 07 00 McClure (Atlanta) .54 70 * Woodward (Kansas) 05 71 *Holston (Charlotte) 60 72 Robinette (Portland) 73 73 McCleaster (Indianapolis) ..74 74 *Fairchild (Atlanta) 70 75 *Mitchell (Atlanta) 75 70 Tidwell (Salt Lake) 79 77 Lorentz (Minneapolis) 71 78 O’Neil (Des Moines) 77 70 Hallstrom (Salt Lake) 70 80 Wright (New Haven) 78 81 Alexander (Boston) 83 82 Hall (Minneapolis) 82 S3 Miller (Dallas) 85 84 Dugan (Salt Lake) 81 85 Dickman (Buffalo) 80 8(3 Neger (Indianapolis) 87 87 Daxis (Philadelphia) 84 88 Edgerton (Milwaukee) 88 80 Frederick (Seattle) 00 00 Wall (Los Angeles) 04 01 Westeott (Detroit) 80 92 Kubitzki (Kansas) 91 03 . Kempner (Buffalo) 02 04 Bergman (Cleveland) 93 05 Robison (Los Angeles) 00 90 Keilor (Detroit) 104 07 Florin (New York) 05 08 Gledbili (New York) 00 00 Laurice (Frisco) 107 100 Blumstein (New York) ... 07 101 Feld (St. Louis) 98 102 Lester (Toronto) 100 103 Kurtz (New York) 105 104 *Reid (Toronto) 100 105 *Pearson (Montreal) 108 100 *Selmtzer (New York) . . . .108 107 * Knapp (Detroit) 103 108 *Loeb (Chicago) 102 100 *Grolie (Chicago) 101 *Tied Blank MIDWESTERNERS BEAT PRAIRIE Salt Lake, New Orleans, Charlotte, Cincinnati Oklahoma Move Ahead (Continued from page 1) Roberts’ Mid-East lags among the Easterners and is keeping that division from catching the Westerners divisionally. Mid- East was one-half point behind Canada and 9.1 stronger than the tail-ending Great Lakes. THE BRANCHES Wilson’s Atlantans are still tops insofar as K-7 circulation territorially credited to date is concerned. But unless the Georgians speed up their post-convention selling they are doomed, for right at their heels is Beiers- dorf’s Dallas. The Texans are 1.2 behind the Crackers. Another week like the last one and Dal- las will overtake the Georgians —provided the latter do not in- dulge in fancy splurging. March’s St. John is seemingly doomed to bad drops, unless it applies the brakes. This week the Canadian Maritime boys were hurdled by Texas. Dallas leads St. John by two points. But Cohn’s Pittsburgh keeps right on menacing the leaders, although it is being pushed harder by Reingold’s St. Louis and Tom Young’s Memphis. Pittsburgh is still fourth, exact- ly one point behind St. John. That is particularly a source of worry to the Saints. Memphis, like Dallas, is clam- oring for K-7 supremacy. And like the Texans, the Ten- nesseeans advanced. Memphis moved from eighth to fifth place. That means it is only four- tenths of a point behind Pitts- burgh. Reingold’s St. Lousians, 3.1 behind Memphis, remained sixth, when Dillon’s Los Angeles for- feited two. Los Angeles is now seventh, two-tenths behind St. Louis and 1.1 above Lorentz’s Milwaukeeans, who gained six brackets. Wheeler’s Washington hold on to No. 9, forcing Huber’s Win- nipeg to its rear. Although Win- nipeg again is doing the fastest selling in Canada, it is four- tenths below the Nationals and the same distance ahead of Podoloff’s Minneapolis. Morrison’s Denverites were hit hard, too hard! They dropped from 11th to 15th place. But falling right with them was Patterson’s Van- couver. On the other hand, Longdon’s Charlotte, Callahan’s Boston and Grassgreen’s Albanians moved up. Charlotte gained one, now trailing Minneapolis by one-half point. Boston flew from 16 to 13, one-tenth behind Charlotte and three-tenths ahead of Al- bany, which hopped from 20 to 14. OILERS’ FIVE Bailey’s Toronto lost one. Marking time is no stopper in this race. The Maple Leaf organization found that, for it had to submit to Grady’s Cincinnatians. The Ohioans are 1.8 behind Vancou- ver and one point above Toronto. The presence of Their Britan- nic Majesties in Canada last week apparently did not find ex- hibitors in Canada in a buying mood, for the Dominions lost much ground in all activities. This was especially so on K-7 sales, although Canada refused to step aside for Mid-East, whose interests are being best championed, on selling so far of the 1939-40 product, by Cincin- nati. Fuller’s Kansas Citians, still 19th, are only one-half point be- hind Toronto. Royalty’s presence in the city did not help Edmond’s Seattle, either. Up there Norway’s Crown Prince and Princess brought out the people by thou- sandsj, but show business did not profit. In fact, Seattle brodied from 17th to 20th place on K-7 sales status. Now Seat- tle is two-tenths of a point be- hind Kansas City and 1.4 richer than Mayer’s Des Moines. The Iowans are being pursued by Walker’s Mormons. The two are parted by only one point, although the Utahans moved ahead of Schmertz’s Cleveland- ers. The latters need nine- tenths of a point to recover the 22nd berth. Ballentine’s San Franciscans remained 24th, 1.1 behind Cleve- land. Landaiche’s New Orleans progressed from 28 to 25, seven- tenths of a mark behind the Gol- den Gaters. Scott’s 0 m a h a n s, Simon’s New Haveners and Skorey’s Calgarians dropped. The Ne- braskans were two points behind New Orleans and virtually tied with New Haven. The Connec- ticut crew was one-tenth of a point ahead of Clark’s Okla- homa Citans, who marched from 33 to 28. Among the tail-enders, Lan- dis’ Indianapolis and Gross’ Philadelphia jumped one apiece, while Buxbaum’s New York and Samson’s Buffalo lost that much. Powers’ Portland lost one, too. Still at the bottom of the structure were Eckhardt’s Chi- cago, Sturm’s Detroit and Eng- lish’s Montreal. The Royalites were one point behind Detroit. The Chicagoans headed the De- troiters by 5.5. LAKES QUIT CELLAR Great Lakes have be- gun their climb — and on all fronts! No longer are they last in district rating on K-7 Movietone-Terrytoon short subjects sales. The Lakes hurdled O’Logh- lin’s Canadians into the eighth peg in that race, but the latter trail by only three-tenths of a point. Standings of branches on short subjects sales, more or less, mirrored the changes made in status on K-7 feature product sales. Beiersdorf’s Dallas is now within one point of Cohn’s Pittsburgh which are still first. Of the two, However, Pitts- burgh’s ratio of K-7 shorts sales to K-7 feature circulation so far obtained is much the highest. Among the districts, Bal- lance’s South is still first, 2.9 ahead of Moss’ Atlantics.