20th Century-Fox Dynamo (June 3, 1939)

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4 NEW DYNAMO MEMPHIS 529% DELIVERY IS NEW FIRM RECORD FOR WEEK’S SHORTS BLASTING FROM 37 TO 19! IN A SPECTACULAR STANZA DALLAS BRINGS 107% OVER Albany Back Leading the Offices; Prairies Pacing Tom Young’s Mem- phis delivered 529 per cent of his K-6 Movie- tone-Terrytoon short subjects quota last week! That is the greatest over- quota delivery performance any U. S. exchange has made in the history of this corporation. In fact, the week was packed with rare performances of the over-quota quality. Not in any past Kent Drive has the general behavior of the U. S. offices been so dramatic on short subjects delivery. In delivering 529 per cent of quota, Memphis, for instance, leaped from 37th—last—to 19th place in the single week. Grassgreen’s Albanians recov- ered first place in this eventful lap. The Albanians got quota where Eckhardt’s Chicagoans did not. By exceeding its fixed goal by 21.7 per cent, the Al- banians now lead the branches on short subjects delivery by a margin of three-tenths of a point over their strongest op- ponent, the Chicagoans. Spectacular, too, was the per- formance of Beiersdorf’s Dallas, which delivered 107.6 per cent over quota. And the Texans moved from seventh to fifth position, within 3.1 of Clark’s Oklahomans, who clung to the third step, three- tenths of a mark to the rear of Longdon’s Carolinians, who trailed the runner-up Chicago office by 2.4. Seventeen exchanges exceed- ed their short subjects delivery quota. Not only was there a change in occupancy of territorial lead- ership, but Levy’s Prairies mounted the throne among the districts, now topping the Great Lakes by 1.1. OYER QUOTA Ward Scott’s Midwest is now 1.3 behind Great Lakes and just one point richer than Ballance’s Southerners, who are lead Coast by 2.7. Bailey’s Northeast, still sixth, is 1.7 behind Coast and only one-tenth of a point above Rob- erts’ Mid-East. One point under the Mid- Easterners stand O’Loghlin’s Canadians, who pace Moss’ tail- ending Atlantics by two marks. Following are the branches that went well over their K-6 Movietone-Terrytoon short sub- jects quota last week and their percentage over their fixed mark: Grassgreen’s Albanians (21.7), Clark’s Oklahoma C i t i a n s (49.1) , B e i e r d o r f’s Texans (107.6), Podoloff’s Minnesotans (73.2) , Edmond’s Seattleans (61.5), Buxbaum’s New Yorkers (12.4), Grady’s Cincinnatians (25.8), Mayer’s Iowans (50.4), Dillon’s Angelinos (2.8), Sko- rey’s Calgarians (-3.1), Landis’ Hoosiers (18), Morrison’s Den- verites (3.6), Wheeler’s Wash- ingtonians (20.3), Cohn’s Pitts- burghers (79.4) and Wilson’s Atlantans (16). Kupper’s West is still hound- ing Gehring’s pace-setting Cen- trals, with 3.3 now separating the two. Centrals, at the be- ginning of the 43rd week of the season, were 4.3 ahead of Suss- man’s East. THE RACE The standings of a majority of branches changed. Huber’s Winnipegs were socked by Dallas and Edmond’s Seattle. The latter jumped into the sixth notch, while Winnipeg kerplunked from sixth to eighth position, 1.1 behind Seattle and 3.7 ahead of Sturm’s Detroit- ers, who stuck to the ninth post. Reingold’s St. Louisians con- tinued 10th, 1.7 behind Detroit, but now only one-half point more powerful than Dallas. Mayer’s Des Moines advanced from 15th to 13th place, which was bad news for Dillon’s Los Angeles, which beat quota, and for English’s Montreal. The latter two dropped a notch each. Bailey’s Toronto dropped a pair, while Lorentz’s Milwau- keeans surrendered three. The latter move enabled not only Memphis, but also was the means by which Denver and Salt Lake City advanced. The Coloradoans beat quota, but the Mormons did not. ADSALES DELIVERY BRANCHES May May 27th Branch (Ads. Manager) 20 th 1 Montreal (Brault) 1 2 Los Angeles (Young) 2 3 Des Moines (Gold) 3 4 Omaha (Miller) 4 5 New Orleans (Johnson) .... 5 0 Kansas (Crawford) 6 7 St. John (Corbett) 7 8 Chicago (Monnette) 8 1) Portland (Fox) 9 10 Oklahoma (Whelihan) 10 11 Washington (Miller) 13 12 Minneapolis (Clayson) ll 13 Winnipeg (Smith) 12 14 Frisco (Lewis) 14 15 Calgary (Davies) 15 10 St. Louis (McManus) 10 17 Dallas (Bandy) 17 18 Philadelphia (Mintz) 10 19 Albany (Lester) is 20 Vancouver (Hislop) 20 21 Cincinnati (Kelly) 21 22 Indianapolis (Orsenigo) ... .22 23 Salt Lake (Blasius) 23 24 Atlanta (Hackney) 24 25 Memphis (Gibbons) 25 20 Charlotte (Lowry) 20 27 Seattle (Thorpe) 27 28 Boston (Krivitsky) 28 29 Pittsburgh (Vandergrift) . . .29 30 Toronto (Glasier) 30 31 Buffalo (Stamp) 31 32 New Haven (Weinstein) . . . .33 33 Cleveland (Scott) 32 34 Milwaukee (Heimb eger) . . 34 35 Detroit (Sturm) 35 30 New York (McManus) 30 37 Denver (Givin) 37 DISTRICTS May May 27th District (Manager) 20th 1 Prairie (Levy) 1 2 Midwest (Scott) 2 3 Canada (O’Loglilin) .' 3 4 South (Ballance) 4 5 Coast (—) 5 0 Atlanta (Moss) 0 7 Great Lakes (—) __7 8 Mid-East (Roberts) . ^8 9 Northeast (Bailey) 9 DIVISIONS May May 27th Division (Manager) 20th 1 Central (Gehring) 1 2 West (Ivupper) 2 3 East (Sussman) 3 BOOST ADS! In Rio S. R. KENT CLOSE TIFF RAGES ON IN NEWS TEST 15 Branches Beat Quota; 11 Over for Season It's still a battle royal that is raging among all branches, districts and divisions for the s e a s o n’s Movietone News delivery honors. None of the leaders de- serted its position. Grady’s Cincinnati is still at the head of the branch parade. Fifteen branches exceeded quota last week. Two Canadian branches—Win- nipeg and Vancouver—missed making quota by less than $2! George Fuller and his Kansas Citians may lay claim to some logic in connection with the “hoodoo 13” belief. Fact is the Missourians, 13th, missed quota by just $2, but they refused to allow Mayer’s Ipwans to over- take them. The two are divided by three-tenths of a point. Eleven exchanges boast an ac- cumulated 43 weeks’ over-quota delivery on News. And all again went over the mark last week, excepting Wil- son’s Atlantans. But the Atlantans have a real battle on their hands, for they are only 1.4 ahead of Dillon’s Los Angeles. The Angelinos hurdled quota, but are just three-tenths of a point above the Kansas Citians. OVER QUOTA Over quota last week on Movietone News delivery were the following exchanges: Cincinnati Dallas Washington Oklahoma Indianapolis Philadelphia Pittsburgh Charlotte Salt Lake Minneapolis Los Angeles St. I ouis Cleveland Boston Denver Over quota for the 43-week period of the current season on News are the following: Cincinnati Dallas Washington Oklahoma Indianapolis Philadelphia Pittsburgh Charlotte Sa t Lake Minneapolis Atlanta Moss’ Atlantics are still dis- tinct leaders, pacing Ballance’s South by 2.8. But only these two districts are over 100 per cent on News for the 43-week BRANCHES May May 27th Branch (Manager) 20th 1 Albany (Grassgreen) 2 2 Chicago (Eckhardt) 1 3 Charlotte (Longdon) 3 4 Oklahoma (Clark) 4 5 Dallas (Beiersdorf) 7 6 Minneapolis (Podoloff) 5 7 Seattle (Edmond) 8 8 Winnipeg (Huber) <; 9 Detroit (Sturm) 9 10 St. Louis (Reingold) 10 11 New Y'ork (Buxbaum) 11 12 Cincinnati (Grady) 12 13 Des Moines (Mayer) 15 14 Los Angeles (Dillon) 13 15 Montreal (English) 14 Hi Frisco (Rallentine) Hi 17 Buffalo (Samson) 17 IS Calgary (Skorey) 18 19 Memphis (Young) 37 DISTRICTS May May 27th District (Manager) 20th 1 Prairie (Levy) JJ 2 Great Lakes (—) ^1 3 Midwest (Scott) 3 4 South (Ballance) 4 5 Coast (—) 5 DIVISIONS May May 27th Branch (Manager) 20th 20 Philadelphia (Gross) 20 21 New 7 Orleans (Landaiclie) . . 19 22 Portland (Powers) 21 23 Boston (Callahan) 22 24 Kansas (Fuller) 23 25 Omaha (Scott) 24 20 Indianapolis (Landis) 20 27 Toronto (Bailey) 25 28 Denver (Morrison) 28 29 Salt Lake (Walker) 29 30 Milwaukee (Lorentz) 27 31 Washington (Wheeler) 30 32 Pittsburgh (Cohn) 32 33 Cleveland (Schmertz) 31 34 Vancouver (Patterson) 33 35 Atlanta (Wilson) 34 30 St. John (March) 35 37 New’ Haven (Simon) 30 May May 27 th Branch (Manager) 20tli 0 Northeast (Bailey) O 7 Mid-East (Roberts) 7 8 Canada (O’Loghlin) 8 9 Atlanta (Moss) 9 May May 27tli Division (Manager) 20th 3 East (Sussman) 3 May May 27tli Division (Manager) 20th 1 Central (Gehring) 1 2 West (Kupper) 2 Following is the standing of all branches, districts and divisions on accumulated 43 weeks’ Movietone News delivery against quota, as of May 27: FOREIGN COUNTRIES CO-OPERATING IS SETTING UP NEW MOVIETONE QUARTERS Exclusive to New’ Dynamo PARIS, FRANCE—In setting up new Movietone News quarters and in placing units in territories destined to play an important part in any war activity, Movietone Producer Truman H. Talley is getting excellent co-operation from heads of European governments. The threatened war “theatre” in Europe has been carefully surveyed by Mr. Talley, accom- panied by European News Director Russell Muth. This survey completed, the News head has been setting up new units— and still clings to belief if war does come Africa will be the big scene, where the most important and decisive battles will be fought. He has set new News units in Tripoli, The Hague, etc., most of which New Dynamo has reported in the past month. chapter. Robert’s Mid-Eastern- ers and Levy’s Prairies should easily get up over quota before the season is closed. Mid-East needed seven-tenths of a point and Prairie eight-tenths to hit that bull’s-eye. Scott’s Midwesterners trail Prairies by three-tenths and lead Great Lakes by 1.5, with Coast one-half point behind the latter. Bailey’s Northeast is eighth, 2.9 behind Coast and 2.7 better than O’Loghlin’s Canada. Only place advances made by the branches were those effected by Reingold’s St. Louis and Scott’s Omaha. May 27th Branch (Manager) 1 Cincinnati (Grady) . . . 2 Dallas (Beiersdorf) . . 3 Washington ( Wluveler; 4 Oklahoma (Clark) . . . 5 Indianapolis (Landis) 0 Philadelphia (Gross) . 7 Pittsburgh (Cohn) . . . 8 Charlotte (Longdon) . 9 Salt Lake (Walker). 10 Minneapolis (Podoloff) 11 Atlanta (Wilson).... 12 Los Angeles (Dillon) 13 Kansas (Fuller) 14 Des Moines (Mayer) . 15 New’ York (Buxbaum 16 St. Louis (Reingold). 17 Winnipeg* (Huber) . . . 18 Cleveland (Sehinertz) 19 Milwaukee (Lorentz) . BRANCHES May 20 th 1 2 . . 3 . . 4 . . 5 . . 6 . . 7 • .__8 . . 9 . .10 . .11 . .12 . .13 . .14 . .15 . .17 . . 16 . . IS DISTRICTS May 27th Division (Manager) 20 Frisco (Rallentine) . . 21 Montreal (English) . . . 22 Vancouver (Patterson 23 Chicago (Eekliardt) . . 24 Omaha (Scott) 25 Boston (Callahan) . . . 26 Detroit (Sturm) 27 Memphis (Young) .... 28 Portland (Powers) . . . 29 Denver (Morrison)... 30 Seattle (Edmond) .... 31 New Haven (Simon) . . 32 Albany (Grassgreen) . 33 New Orleans (Landaiclie) 34 Buffalo (Samson) .... 35 Toronto (Bailey) 36 St. John (March) .... 37 Galgary (Skorey) .... May 20tn 20 21 24 26 .28 .29 . 30 .31 .32 .33 .34 .35 .36 .37 May 27th Division (Manager) 1 East (Sussman) 2 West (Kupper) DIVISIONS May I May May 20th 27tli Division (Manager) 20tii . . . 1 3 Central (Gehring) 3 THREE ADSALES MANAGERS VAULT QUOTA BUT IMPROVEMENT PROSPECTS BRIGHTER Only three adsales managers—Omar Brault, who succeeded Jack Casey, who has been promoted to the bookership at Montreal; Miller at Washington, and Gold at Des Moines— exceeded their quota in the 43rd week of the season. But, prospects for an improvement in adsales delivery seemed brighter this week. “Young Mr. Lincoln,” if the adsales man- agers capitalize the opportunity it presents, should be the means of puffing revenue all along the U. S. front. Washing- ton’s Miller is now 11th, a gain of two places, with the Montrealer still an over-quota pace-setter—and far ahead of his rivals.