20th Century-Fox Dynamo (August 5, 1939)

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4 NEW DYNAMO CHICAGO WINS K-6 YEAR DELIVE RY PRIZE CONTEST! St. John, New Orleans, Des Moines, Winnipeg, Minneapolis, Calgary And Montreal Also Finish In The Money- Centrals And Prairies Division, District Leaders Clyde Eckhardt celebrated his 25th anniversary in the motion picture industry and climaxed the most lucrative July any distributor has enjoyed in the Chicago territory by leading his branch personnel to the total delivery championship of the 1938-39 season! After beating quota for three straight spectacular weeks, the Chicagoans concluded the K-6 season with a delivery that was representative of 171 per cent of its fixed figure. In so doing, the Breezers walked away with first honors in the 52-week contest, with an over-quota delivery record for the whole season and with a margin of 1.4 points over its most dangerous rival, March’s St. John. But it was not Chicago that turned in the most spectacular delivery in the past season’s final lap. That distinction went to Ernest Landaiche’s New Orleans, which turned in 192 per cent of its quota for the week. Each and every one of the eight prize winners for ac- cumulated 52 weeks’ total K-6 delivery earned awards in the 1938 Kent Drive. The eight winners of the total delivery prizes follow: 1*1. Office Manager 1 Chicago C. W. Eckhardt 2 St. John R. G. March 3 New Orleans E. V. Landaiche 4 Des Moines S. J. Mayer 5 Winnipeg J. H. Huber (4 Minneapolis J. M. Podoloff 7 Calgary V. M. Skorey 8 Montreal E. English Bill Gehring’s Central wound up the season as divisional lead- ers, thus setting a record for number of weeks that any com- bination of offices has set the pace on accumulated delivery. The Centrals have been divi- sional leaders ever since their division was created. , The President’s prize went to M. A. Levy of the Prairie dis- trict. The Prairies, who finished second to O’Loghlin’s Canadians in the 1938 Kent Drive, led the field since the advent of 1939. They topped their nearest oppo- nent, the Great Lakes, by a mar- gin of 3.9 points on 52-week’s delivery. OVER QUOTA The Centrals again virtually monopolized the prize money, for seven of the check-getting branches were affiliated with their division. The only outsider was Landaiche’s New Orleans, which is affiliated with Kupper’s Western division which finished the season 5.3 behind the Cen- trals and 3.6 ahead of Sussman’s East. Only two branches—Chicago and St. John—completed the 52- Prizes Available in Shorts Race i j The winners of the fol- ; lowing cash prizes, total- J ing $2,000 ($1,000 from | Movietone and $1,000 from j Terrytoon), for 52-week’s ! K-6 delivery on short sub- | jects were being deter- 2 mined at the time New Dy- ! namo was going to press: j 1... $750 4 .. .$250 j j 2 . . . 500 5 150 | 3 ... 350 ; ; Managers, salesmen and ( I bookers share in the above | j prizes in proportion to i | their individual salary. week K-6 season with an accu- mulation of delivery in excess of quota for that period. New Orleans made a spectacu- lar eleventh hour effort to hurdle Chicago, St. John and Des Moines into first place. But they just fell short of their goal. They trailed St. John by 1.2 points. However, the Louisi- anans did succeed in vaulting Mayer’s Iowans who for a time loomed favorite for the champion- ship. In the final lap, however, the Iowans went to pieces, fail- ing to deliver quota in the 52nd week. Quota delivery would have kept Des Moines in third place, but New Orleans out-smarted and out-delivered them and pushed them into the fourth post. Des Moines finished only six- tenths of a point behind New Orleans and three-tenths above Huber’s 1938 Kent Drive cham- pion Winnipeg, which snatched fifth place from Podoloff’s Min- neapolis in a last-minute rally. Ballance’s South, O’Loghlin’s Canada and Great Lakes, how- ever, beat quota. Pre-July scores enabled the Prairies to win the district title, for their delivery \ THE FINAL AND OFFICIAL K-6 i DELIVERY PRIZE WINNERS i Following are the eight branches whose every employee partici- pates in the distribution of the cash awards listed below for out- standing performance on accumulated 52 weeks’ total delivery for that period of the 1938-39 (K-6) season, as of July 29: PI. Office Each Employee Receives 1 Chicago Three (3) weeks’ extra salary 2 St. John Two (2) weeks’ extra salary 3 New Orleans One and one-half (I 1 /) ) weeks’ extra salary 4 Des Moines One (1) week’s extra salary 5 Winnipeg Ninety per cent (90%) of one week’s salary 6 Minneapolis Eighty per cent (80%) of one week’s salary 7 Calgary Seventy per cent (70%) of one week’s salary 8 Montreal Sixty per cent (60%) of one week’s salary FINAI K G TOTAL DELIVERY ■>—>—— 52 Weeks, as of July 29- BRANCHES July July 29 Branch (Manager) 22 1 Chicago (Eckhardt) . . . 1 St. John (March) New Orleans (L’daiche) Des Moines (Mayer) Winnipeg (Huber) Minneapolis (Podoloff) Calgary (Skorey) Montreal (English) Charlotte (Longdon) Memphis (Young) Omaha (Scott) Detroit (Sturm) St. Louis (Reingold) Atlanta (Wilson) Cincinnati (Grady) Toronto (Bailey) . Washington (Wheeler) Seattle (Edmond) . Salt Lake (Walker) 2 4 3 6 5 8 7 9 10 11 12 13 15 14 16 18 17 20 DISTRICTS July 29 Branch (Manager) Milwaukee (Lorentz) New Haven (Simon) Portland (Powers) Dallas (Beiersdorf) Kansas (Fuller) Los Angeles (Dillon) Indianapolis (Landis) Pittsburgh (Cohn) New York (Buxbaum) Philadelphia (Gross) Buffalo (Samson) Boston (Callahan) . Vancouver (Patterson) Cleveland (Schmertz) Frisco (Ballentine) . Denver (Morrison) Oklahoma (Clark) Albany (Grassgreen) July 22 . 19 21 22 23 24 26 25 27 28 29 32 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 July July 29 District (Manager) 22 1 Prairie (Levy) 1 2 Great Lakes (—) 2 3 Canada (O’Loghlin) ... 3 4 South (Ballance) 4 5 Midwest (Scott) 5 July 29 District (Manager) 6 Mid-East (Roberts) . 7 Atlantic (Moss) 8 Coast (—) 9 Northeast (Bailey) . July 22 6 . . 7 . . 8 9 for last month was disappoint- ing. However, Minneapolis and Des Moines had, in the mean- time, pushed their scores high enough to remain in the prize- winning class despite their re- versal of form in July. Skorey’s Calgarians took sev- enth place at the expense of Ed- ward English’s Montrealers whom the former topped by two- tenths of a point. Calgary trailed Minneapolis by six-tenths of a mark. Longdon’s Charlotte missed getting into the prize division on total delivery by only two- tenths of a point, which repre- sents the difference between their own and Montreal’s scores. What excitement marked July was confined almost wholly to branches with a prize-winning chance in the K-6 season’s race. The other officers unquestionably with their optics focussed on the new season and the nearness of the 1939 Kent Drive, marked time. In any case, what increase in revenue over the same month last year was effected came largely from the 10 branches struggling for prize money. This fact was emphasized by happenings of the last week of the season. They were the only branches that exceeded quota. Here are the branches that beat quota last week and their percentage of quota delivery for that final chapter of the eventful K-6 season: % Of Office Quota New Orleans 193 Chicago 171 Winnipeg 159 Charlotte 151 Calgary 149 St. John 147 Des Moines 129 Memphis 118 There was surprisingly little difference in the final standings of branches for the 52-week period of the K-6 season and for the 18-week period of the 1938- 39 Drive. Edgar Moss’ Atlantics were last in Kent Drive district rating, but they, along with Roberts’ Mid-East, which was eighth in the 1938 Big Push, managed to climb ahead of both Coast and Bailey’s Northeast. The Yankees finished the season in last place, 14.9 points behind the Prairies and 1.4 under the Coast. Both Prairies and Great Lakes had no trouble hurdling the Kent Drive champion district, Canada. When Northeast, fifth in the Drive, tumbled to last place for the season, Scott’s Midwest gained a peg, standing fifth, 4.9 behind Ballance’s South which held its Drive fourth place rat- ing. Friday Mr. Wobber announced that checks covering winnings in both the 52-week’s K-6 season’s r, i L Lowdown on Prize K-6 Earnings! Huber’s Winnipeg nosed out Chicago and St. John for total value of prizes won in the 52-week’s sea- ! sonal contest and in the j 1938 Kent Drive. Winni- | peg employees will have ! collected four weeks’ plus | 90 per cent of one week’s j extra salary as their total = 52-week contest and Kent | Drive earnings for the K-6 j season. Chicagoans will = have collected a total of I four weeks’ extra salary, S three for the season’s ef- = fort and one in the Drive. I St. John employees also | will have collected four 2 weeks’ extra salary, two j weeks in the 52-week cam- j paign and two weeks in j the Drive. total delivery and short subject delivery contests would be dis- tributed at the forthcoming Kent Drive meetings. The sales chief will personally present the checks to the winners. To give the reader an idea of how the final K-6 delivery stand- ings of branches compared with their 18-week 1938 Kent Drive status, New Dynamo presents the following self-explanatory table: 52-Wk. Season Branch 1938 Drive 1 Chicago 5 2 St. John 3 3 New Orleans 4 4 Des Moines 11 5 Winnipeg 1 6 Minneapolis 7 7 Calgary 10 8 Montreal 2 9 Charlotte 13 10 Memphis 12 11 Omaha 6 12 Detroit 14 13 St. Louis 17 14 Atlanta 19 15 Cincinnati 29 .16 Toronto 9 17 Washington 31 18 Seattle 8 19 Salt Lake 25 20 Milwaukee 23 21 New Haven 20 22 Portland 16 23 Dallas 22 24 Kansas City 35 25 Los Angeles 24 26 Indianapolis 28 27 Pittsburgh 34 28 New York 37 29 Philadelphia 32 30 Buffalo 26 31 Boston 18 32 Vancouver 15 33 Cleveland 27 34 San Francisco 36 35 Denver 30 36 Oklahoma City 21 37 Albany 33 Thus, the reader can quickly realize that with the exception of Cincinnati, St. Louis, Wash- ington, Salt Lake City and Kan- sas City, all of which showed much greater strength in the post-Drive than they did in the Continued on Page 18