20th Century-Fox Dynamo (August 12, 1939)

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MOVIETONE CITY—Louis Bromfieid's "The Rains Came" has developed into the greatest world-grossing motion picture of all time. I have just seen it and I say unconditionally that it is positively sensational. It has everything. Based upon a great book, with the finest cast ever assembled in one picture and possessing spectacles that are positively terrifying in realism and thrills, but great as the spectacular sequences are, the story holds you every second. It would be a great picture without the spectacles. It has comedy, pathos, thrills and drama and is loaded with sex. _ _ It is so unprecedentedly great that we are going to lose no time in making it available to our accounts. Therefore, we will release it on Sept. 15. Negative of "The Rains Came" will be shipped to New York on Sept. 1. I am more convinced than ever that we must fight for top prices and right percentages on our top 24 specials. Therefore, do not let anyone be rushed into making unsatisfactory contracts. Darryl Zanuck is tremendously excited and enthused over "Drums Along the Mohawk," "Brigham Young," "Swanee River." "Little Old New York," "Grapes of Wrath" and all his big ones. He is pouring huge sums into all of these specials, so it is, obviously, up to us to see that the right sort of terms are obtained. Based on what I have seen in the past several days, I am confident we will attain our Kent Drive quota as our weekly contribution to the new season's