20th Century-Fox Dynamo (August 12, 1939)

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NEW DYNAMO 3 CHICAGO, OKLAHOMA CITY PACING IN DRIVE ADVANCE RENTAL TIFF! S.R.KENT DRIVE Special Supplement New York, N. Y„ Aug. 12, 1939 WOBBER ELATED OVER RELEASES FOR DRIVE! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Practicability Of Weekly Delivery Of Drive Quota Stressed By Their Excellence, He Wires! MOVIETONE CITY—“From what I have seen and what I know of the studio’s plans regarding the Drive releases I am more convinced than ever that, with the right deals, we will have no trouble reaching our weekly Drive quota.” So said General Manager of Distribution Herman Wob- ber this week following five days of product screenings and conferences with Production Chief Darryl F. Zanuck. “I have never been more enthusiastic about the future prospects of any season,” he added, “than I am about those for this one. The productions we have seen are the best any company ever has produced.” ADSALES FORCES SET FOR RECORD This was the second product conference Messrs. Zanuck and Wobber have had in less than two months. When here in June, the sales chief screened “rushes” of “H oily wood Cavalcade,” “The Rains Came” and others. “But,” he stated, “the high expec- ,. w ,, tat ions I Herman Wobber had when j was here last have been greatly exceeded by what I have seen in the past few days. I know this: the stu- dio has done everything humanly possible to give us the greatest box office lineup ever available for a whole season, let alone a Drive period. “To me ‘The Rains Came’ is the greatest motion picture ever produced by any one. ‘Holly- wood Cavalcade,’ done in Techni- color, is far beyond my highest expectations and will challenge all existing records and we will release it at a time when the in- Continued on Page 5 The adsales departments are out for new records! And they mean to effect them in the coming Kent Drive. Never richer in means to do a record business, the studio’s output indicating that, the adsales forces are mobilized for what should be the greatest campaign in which they have partici- pated. Already cash prizes have been announced for Drive returns, but the adsales managers and their assistants are going to go after something more than prize money for themselves. They are, definitely, in a fight- ing mood! Nothing but a new 18-week adsales record in every territory will satisfy them. With that territorial goal in view, the 37 adsales departments in the field have been divided into two groups by National Ad- sales Director Ed Hollander. The Steamrollers are in com- mand of Field Representative Don Reed. W. W. Caldwell will command the Dynamiters. Continued on Page 4 LOCAL CAMPAIGNS PICK UP TERRIFIC MOMENTUM More Local Staffs Build Their Own Prize Pots Supplementing The Rich National Cash Awards Reports to New Dynamo from district and branch man- agers, scores of salesmen and bookers indicate the Kent Drive’s momentum is increasing daily. Meantime, Division Managers Kupper, Sussman and Gehring this week were speeding up circuits’ sales nego- tiations in a determined effort to enable their respective divisions to get the Drive off at maximum strength. Up in Minneapolis Drive Leader M. A. Levy was working on several chain deals, preparatory to departing on his second swing around the branches. But the most enthusiastic reports came from the branch man- agers and local Drive leaders. That the situation is under splendid control must be conceded in view of the text of the reports from the branches. All hands continue to mobilize themselves for a share of the 12 national cash prizes for total delivery—six in each group—but managers, salesmen and bookers continued to form^ attractive local prize pools. Continued on Page 5 I SECOND SWING AROUND THE | OFFICES STARTS NEXT WEEK j ; SAN FRANCISCO—The second series of branch meetings I = in connection with the Kent Drive will get under way next j J week-end. General Manager of Distribution Herman Wobber i | will meet Drive Leader Levy here. The former has been ; ( “ viewing Drive product at the studio for the past week, j The first meeting will be held in Los Angeles. Western s | Division Manager W. J. Kupper will come to the Coast and j j visit his branches with the Drive leader. Mr. Wobber will j ! be present at meetings at several of the Coast offices, but he j | will have to remain here for a fortnight closing Important \ = circuit deals and working on other vital matters awaiting his j ! personal attention at the Home Office. He will make the i j third swing around the branches, starting about Oct. 1. WEST AND MIDWEST OUT FRONT Extreme Enterprise Apparent Among All Employees WARD E. SCOTT The first advance rent- als figures for the 18 - week seventh annual S. R. Kent Drive are in! Divided into two com- petitive groups — the Na- tionals and Internationals —the branches are out to re-write history during the 1939 Drive. That is emphasized by the first advance rentals figures, which show a half score of branches already definitely set for quota de- livery during the Drive’s in- troductory stanza. The National group, compris- ing the larger territories, is paced by none other than the champion office of the 1938-39 season, Clyde W. Eekhardt’s Chicago. The International group, com- prising the smaller territories of the United States and Can- ada, is commanded by Charles W. Clark’s Oklahoma City. Ward E. Scott’s Midwest have piled up the highest 18-week’s advance among the districts. William -J. Kupper’s West have the highest divisional ad- vance figures, according to the official returns as of the begin- ning of this week. Both Chicago and Oklahoma City report extraordinarily high figures for the first week—and both figures are well over their respective quota! That individual effort is as strong as it was in any past pre-Drive period is indicated by the fact that already more than a score and 10 salesmen have their first week’s quota. Outstanding among the 18-week’s advance rentals among salesmen are those credited Chicago’s veterans, Ernest Grohe and Harold Loeb; Oklahoma City’s James and Osborne and New Orleans’ Shallcross. The presence of Fuller’s Continued on Next Page CHICAGO, OKLAHOMA CITY SALESMEN WEALTHIEST ON ADVANCE! i