Exhibitor's Trade Review (May-Aug 1925)

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What the New York Critics said Hal Roachy**** TIMES niisCREEN L Horsee »• Plaj«c« 1 BLACK CYCtgNE.-HJ B^-,^™V WW ! e. nans Th.Kill erolUn» »i» christian, I Yvll'.lair.*. Katr ken ^°lur.a ... . by H»l Frank written and PC?";;'?.!, Wood Moaarleanue : ■» ° renditi e. I rTywhere near%t. the ttorojjv weather .eye on a«ay Of the herd. aj»« ^JJj tooth en seg « vE s^ * he aolo to «fcat Mm. a real villain .. VThe Killer looks like e a rea. nlne J with hlB fierce t^.f*' ^fftS picture J„ well aa any jjttl« ^£™.a&lencit. h?rolnc. anS she captures t n» , baeH, S & Puts her "ffiffigSaESg. who apparentl SUN fay'&iax c0 ■ absorbed that It .jectly natural W.wltne _ a heroine u fining the oomedy rMe The long ft " ' la not the '-— r world, h»l-roear.s »eH. ot » rattleBex's mother Is the "0"^ cntounter snake. „ ^ter Rex Suacks Lady. a"" with, a llonea a which att a= ha c<mie> being a motion picture, l«£ M out a victor. ,»™„^ double ei i>-s are nio being a mm;™ WieM sequences ^iSf^^Sp^i' ,gS^|'S« NOTdV. Plains ^rpteturo. backgroun.l for tn's g -j &Tpr«.?nte?W 'Hal »°aoh the cowboy . KfjhJfS0 Frank, who of! hastens in thf <Urernon he brad J » / H» '[ Stn » heigh 1 belly in *™}l„B£,it ot the treacherous U foad-Sr twigs and jgj^gfaiS.s out, &&! hlnraWl?e°cir hea fc. regained; | Picture Plays and Players Wild Horses Take the Place of Hollywood Actors in 'Black Cyclone' — *The Cracker-jack' j_ng and invigorating as ^hc wind which swept lere \{ 'was pnotograp*ed . is ,JBlack Cycjoje," As refresh! . the plaiijg wji Pig Kllle treme not faked. Rising on their hind legs thft two ani-mals lock foreleftB and bite one another, " and, the clinches over, they pound their hoofs on one another's hides. Their fights seemed to this ^reviewer SZB so mOcli "mor* exciMna asi^ q\l£mxfc. '"' tn'e 'cusio: omary find the characli^f!. go through the motions In cam thejr *2.<J00 a week, the Killer eo at it in deadly cac 0 simply order to Hex aijd now being unwound at the Capita witti Kex, tlie WuHamS. Hart of the equine kingdom, as7-S four footed star. Rex is the fUahlng ebony horso that raced through the t«1s of "The King j)t "Wild Horses" last season. He is a line <flguro of an animal, a clashing, dynamic p[ece of horseflesh, and his performance in. "Black Cyclona" reveals that ho lias ftiade steady strides,1 or ^illops rather.'aa an actor. Of course, some carping critics may cavil and.remonstrate over his trick of expressing dc%p emotion simply by dilating his' nostrils, but then it wit) bo recalretf, that the food Mr. Hart goes about Actipg In much the same ■way. "Black Cyclone,'' you should be told^ has a decided plot, a triangular one", ir.decd. in 'which the principal figures are Hex, who is" the upright force; the Killer, who is. ns ?[r. Grifilth puts it, "the^ force for * " and l>ady. the bone of contention. The Killer is quite terrifying. He is pl^?^d by a venomous-looking horse with the meanest'" pair of eyes in fllmdom. LooTtlng a&out for his human counterpart, _Tve Bhonia i3ay that his methods of regis* tiring evil, passion,. api much tiat eamv as .those" employed* by the capable Wallace Beery. Of the three principal characters l#ady, a passive, coloriesf gray mare, shows up to least advantage, 'but then she has one of Ihost. "negative roles -which permit the actresn to dc little jnoro ^han sit on hci\ 'rhaun^hes -while That two male ^fiemi j bers of the triangle flght for her love [ana* "understanding. — foi-. .wiiich' they are probably well paid with two lumps of sugar soaked vanilla. There are beautiful pictures, pr a "^d or' 3gM hft.gscH griiloping n yeT tlTo plains' TrW" ^BTaVi^ rures non.i Hoilywc ■ i.j ed, the t ha. subtitles wlilch aid In recountingi the stale paces through whicli the throo horees are led. The love life of 1 the horse, according 'to these written' blurbs, la decidedly akin lo the love life of the characters in Harold iBell Wright's tales. Ever mindful of the movie public the producers have furnished comedy relief the shape of a frowsy, plaintivelittle IjurVo. a sad eyed littlo clown -who stumbles ever and anon Wto the plot and gazes sadly toward the camera. This engaging creature is one of the f«»w movie actors whom the writer would like to meet "in the flesh.' He. or maybe she, has captured Elconoia Duse's trick of maltin™ actiaV a thing of the soul. -j, ' P^K-k Cyclono" is well worth seo-fj Ing. r"" ™ ■ " mm TELEGRAPH REX, WILD HORSE, 5TAR AT CAPITOL "Bleak Cyclone" Provei to Be Pie, turn of Many Thrills and Much Beauty. THLEEE'S A HOKSE VOLADT I By HABLOW J. PETEES. If there were .neb a .j,i„g a, . vf J trooaj I ilm LibrTrT of la-rtrng-' j™ .belt u Rtff" .. jure., i 'quction loi-T aecontl marnng fip second jtarnnl appeorance of Rei, the Kme of the O-ifd Horse., ,nd aE.in i he prove* that he not only has > fine I screen personality, but is an actor of ' no mean power. -n^ Jh!' fd'aa'cal, act pictures like knows horses only aa something to <iiag ploughs with an impression of"tb» ma;estic animal as h' was created, and as he loolls at his beat. The camera shots of Res and the other wild hone. i£».wPIy.v.m-W,ifiec,lt: to'* are mendously thrilling tacT" grrrind o^ -.vhirh to hang the film, and while considerably stretched at times, keeps the actioq at a great pace all the way through. Several momcnn stond out: the first nnpeaMnte of The -Killer, a big roan who certainly looks the part of the yil| lain: tie scenes showing The Killer | rounding up a herd: the two battles betw«n Rei snd The Killer Ret'a dilemma in the quicksand, and the'' human hero's work in sorting him outl 1 | the scenes where the hor»e is trring to get the man to follow him: the' killing of the mountain lion by R.x : and ,tJ wjld ride after the human villain and the girt.. They're all real thrills ZVtl audience can possibly muff ■wf l; R"'" x^H' P'ctur« (wa don t know whether she is off screen) is a pretty foil for the hero horse. ,,od a nondescript burro plays a comedy part. The picture hue all the roles foutd in « human picture allotted to animals, and it must be aaid that the eesting director did a splendid iob. ""rector The suppdrtiug bill at tbe Capitol ^ ot-considcrable worth, featuring Lieut, fr tz-Rlce in a potpourri of Canadian Wkwngj. He is pleasant, and has an offering, of good, if not startling. material. The best number on the 88*52*. r,;.^am *»"ever. is .called Moment Mezartesnue ' three «hort meces be ore a very pleasing set. done Pathepicture &