Exhibitor's Trade Review (May-Aug 1925)

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Page 24 Exhibitors Trade Review PITTSBURG OWNER AT CONCLAVE HITS AT FIRST NATIONAL (Continued from page 22) "If this organization perfects its playdate plan "for independent product," he resumed, "I'll get back to the project. I'll call mass meetings of the local film men and those in my 'territory when I book an independent film. I'll plan elaborate exploitation campaign. I'll give them a private showing and tell them just how my theatre is going to put the film over. "What we need is a paid organization of men of the finest calibre that we can get. We want the highest type not only to handle the play-dates, but for legal counsel and the like. "There are 8,000 to 10,000 dissatisfied theatre owners in this country. They are not satisfied with First National or any other member of the 'big three.' Are you satisfied with them?" "NO !" roared back the throng. "We must get behind the little fellow," he continued. "We must aid him if he is assailed. I belong to the Film Booking Offices (Keith's). Recently the White Rats attacked a defenseless theatre man in a small town in Oklahoma. We went to his rescue and it cost us $200,000 to save him. That is the sort of thing we need here. "We must take the offensive. Play-dates are our only means." Mediator! A. Julian Brylawski, Member Board of Directors, Was Moving Spirit in Conciliating Allied Slates. Gilbert E. Gable presents The SKY RAIDER WITH-1 Jacqueline Logan AND Capt. Nungesser Variety says; "Receipts for the Rialto (Washington) were boosted close to $5,000.00 over the preceding week, in a house that has to sell each patron it attracts to the box office because it is out of the 'drop in' district." From the story "The Great Air Mail Robbery" by Jack Lait Directed bv T. Hayes Hunter Associated Exhibitors PLAY-DATE BUREAU, EXHIBITOR WEAPON, SWINGS IN ACTION The Play-Date Bureau, declared the most formidable weapon of the independent exhibitor at the Milwaukee convention, is already functioning. This was disclosed by Sydney S. Cohen, newly elected chairman of the board of directors of the M. P. T. O. A. With pledges to hold play-dates open until the full plans of the scheme are laid before them by the organization from hundreds of exhibitors from all parts of the country, officers of the M. P. T. O. A. are rushing to completion final details of the bureau and the Department of Trade and Commerce. Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in cash has been raised to finance both organizations. Field representatives are already calling on exhibitors. While Mr. Cohen and other officers are withholding full information, it is understood that approximately §300,000 more has been pledged. The reorganized Independent Motion Picture Producers and Distributors Association at Milwaukee handed over $50,000 in cash to the M. P. T. O. A. for the play-date bureau. In addition its members pledged SI 50,000, conditional on the M. P. T. O. A. raising an equal amount. At the convention Carl Laemmle for Universal Pictures Corporation gave §50,000 to the fund to carry on the war for independence. Other companies not allied with the socalled "big three' are expected to contribute to the fund. Warner-Brothers-Vitagraph informed the Exhibitors Trade Review they are awaiting the return of Sam Warner before they will act. Action by Pathe awaits the board of directors. Assoc:ated Exhibitors is still weighing the matter. Producers Distributing Corporation is said to be definitely out of the proposition. The organization is reported to believe that it is big enough to stand or fall on its own ability to cope with existing conditions. Fox and F. B. O., according to well-informed sources, are only awaiting routine formalities imposed by their business charters before swinging in full force the aid the independent exhibitors in the fight. It is generally agreed that the other companies will within the next few days join in the Play-Date Bureau and Department of Trade and Commerce. Physical Distributor Pathe E»cha John S. Woody, President ,-Foreign Representative Sidney Garrett "California, Here I Comej" will be the chant of the M. P. f . O. A. delegates next year, for that state through the efforts of the Los Angeles group persuaded the convention to select Los Angeles for the 1926 convention. The Los Angeles delegation, led by James Quinn, owed its victory to marked efforts to "sell" the delegates on California. A special band was brought into the Milwaukee auditorium to play to the delegates and aroused them to an appreciation of Sun-Kist hospitality. Poppies, badges and even raisins were distributed among the delegates.