Exhibitor's Trade Review (May-Aug 1925)

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'age 26 Exhibitors Trade Review FEATURE IS F.B.O's CONT YOUR INDEPEN YOUR PROSPER OF 1925 1926 HERE ARE F.B.O.' TWELVE GOLD BOND SPECIALS v "DRUSILLA WITH A MILLION" Unquestionably F. B. O.'s finest Gold Bond Special for the season of 1925-26, produced from Elizabeth Cooper's famous book. A magnificent picture with which the finest theatres throughout the world can win added prestige and with which they can set new high box-off.ce records. Presented by Mr. O. E. Goebel. An Associated Arts picture to be advertised nationally in the SATURDAY EVENING POST with a big campaign to reach and influence more than 20,000,000 peoplei The players — Kenneth Harlan, Mary Carr, Priscilla Bonner and many others. F. B. O. sincerely believes that the industry will see no finer picture this year. Mrs. Gene StrattonPorter's Latest and Greatest Success "THE KEEPER OF THE BEES" «™E^EEPER^°^^|a^Q^ thfMwe %nn°"n« ™r Gold Bond Special IHk KEEPER OF THE BEES, one of Mrs. Gene Stratton Porter's finest "successes. As the most widely read author in all America and wfth her millions o" touowers, plus the National Campaign of advertising F. B. O. is now carrying in McCails magazine, with its 2,000,000 circulation per month while the story is running serially and the big campaign of National advertising being done by Doubieday i'age & Co. on the book edition of the story, this Gold Bond picture is marked for extraordinary results. Watch for release date. Produced by J. Leo Meehan. 2 EMORY JOHNSON Super Special Productions This announcement of two Gold Bond Specials from Emory Johnson will be greeted by salvos of applause from thousands ol exhibitors. The first Special will be "THE LAST EDITION," a thrilling melodramatic newspaper story, starring the great RALPH LEV/IS. The second Special will be a tremendous production titled — "HAPPINESS." Both are exceptional productions of big-time, box-office appeal. F. B. O.'s usual high-powered exploitation will back both these specials. "PARISIAN NIGHTS" A Gothx Picture directed bv AL SANTELL, starrin" ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN LOU TELLEGEN, RENEE ADOREE and exceptional cast. A story of the wickedest city in the world — Paris— surcharged with all the fire and romance, action and drama that can be packed into a featured nrod'uction. It has class, rare production touches, tremendous appeal both in title and story, and gives exhibitors another Gold Bond Special that will register with a resounding smash at the box office. "IF MARRIAGE FAILS"—? In this, his latest production, Mr. Sullivan gives to F. B. O.'s exhibitors a picture a great box-office title, plus a great story. With that lovely, young star— JACQUELINE LOGAN — supported by Clive Brook and JEAN HERSHOLT and other artists, "IF MARRIAGE FAILS" cannot miss, particularly if handled in the manner outlined in our showmar.s' Press Book. Superbly directed by JOHN INCE. Laura Jean Libby's Sensational Success "WHEN HIS LOVE GREW COLD Millions of fans will flock to see Laura Jean Libby's romantic story transferred to th» screen. And as for title, you can just write your own ticket as to the possibilities of "WHEN HIS LOVE GRiW COLD." Just made to order for a mopui for thousands of theatres. Millions have read her books. Millions will want to see this picture. Take advantage of all this Special offers you in profits and prestige. THE MIDNIGHT FLYER" Exhibitors from every section of the country have urged us to produce another bigtime railroad story. Our answer is ' THE MIDNIGHT FLYER," a thrilling romance cf the rails that will be backed by sensational exploitation, high-powered advert:* ng and F. B. O.'s sure-fire showmanship. Register this one as one of F. B. O.'s biggest bDx-Dffice winners among our twelve Gold Bond Specials. "THE FUTURITY WINNER" Register another sure-fire box-office winner in F. B. O.'s Gold Bond Special — "THE FUTURITY WINNER." Here is a veritable whale of a race-track drama surcharged with heart interest, suspense, high-powered drama, and saturated with thrills. All the lure and color of the tur. incorporated into this picture, guaranteeing it as a sure-fire at the box office as human skill and brains can make ol those elements the public always responds to in crowds, mobs and jams. From an original story by John C. Brownell. "FLAMING WATERS" One of the biggest screen successes from the box-office angle last season was an oilfield story. "FLAMING WATERS" will equal or match the record of that picture. It will be seectacular in the extreme, dramatic beyond description, and absolutely sure-fire at the box office. It's an ASSOCIATED ARTS production, presented by O. E. Goebel. From E. Lloyd Sheldon's famous story of the lure of the stream of goid. It's another of F. B. O.'s Gold Bond Twelve. "THE ISLE OF RETRIBUTION" Stories ol the frozen North are as certain in their box-office results — perhaps more so — tna'i any other class of production. Your own memory will recall the sensational outstanding successes of this type of release. Edison Marshall's thrilling book "THE ISLE OF RETRIBUTION" is that type of story, and embraces every sure-fire element of box-office appeal. A gripping tale of the frozen North filmed in the lecale of the narrative brings to exhibitors another b'g-time Gold Bond Special of brilliant possibilities. G6 A POOR GIRL'S ROMANCE" Here's another Laura Jean Libby fiction success read by millions during the years this book has been before the public, giving it a ready-made audience that not one picture in scores possesses unless backed by similar advantages. This second Laura Jean Libby Gold Bond Special will be as sure-fire at the box office as anything ever releas;d. It is impossible in this small space to give you all the details. Watch the trade papers for further announcements.