Exhibitor's Trade Review (May-Aug 1925)

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May 30, 1925 Page 27 PRODUCTIONS RIBUTION TO THE CAUSE OF DENCE , YOUR GROWTH AND ITY FOR THE COMING SEASONS A Series of Super Special FRED THOMSO Silver King Productions Hundreds of congratulatory telegrams have reached F. B. O. for signing up the famous and tremendously popular FRED and Silver King for our series of brand new Super Special Westerns, produced under the supervision of Thomson himself. These new pictures will be immeasusably finer, with bigger stories, bigger production values, far costlier than any yet turned out by Thomson. As the biggest draw among Western Stars before the public, register a ten strike for your house when you book the*se brand new Thomson Specials. 8 EVELYN BRENT PRODUCTIONS All Box-Office Winners Evelyn Brent has had a meteoric rise to fame. Her last pictures have won hundreds of thousands of fans to her standard. Now, in the coming season, you will get Miss Brent in highly dramatic stories, with all the lure and romance that means capacity at every showing of Brent pictures. Her youth and alluring loveliness mean S.R.O. with the showing of these new releases. Watch for them. There will be eight (8) superb pictures. 8 RICHARD TALMADGE Lightning Action Pictures Made to order for all classes of theatres whose public loves ACTION plus romance and high powered drama. Vastly improved pictures will be these eight (8) new Talmadge productions, presented by Abe Carlos. Watch the trade papers for the box office titles. All Richard Talmadge productions. 8 MAURICE FLYNN Melodramatic Gentleman Adventurer Pictures with Speed and Class Acknowl-dged the handsomest screen star now before the public, popular MAURICE (Lefty) FLYNN comes back again this season with a brand new series of eight (8) melodramatic "Gentleman-Adventurer" pictures, packed to the hilt with class, action speed and romance. Presented by Harry Garson. Watch for announcement of titles on these new FLYNNS in the film trade papers. SURPRISE NEW WESTERN STAR PICTURES That Will Set New Records F. B. O. springs a box-office surprise on Exhibitors this season with a brand ne^ "find" among western stars that will register at the box office with every release. Can't tell you the details now. Watch and wait for a scoop that will make a whale of a hit with you. Eight (8) pictures coming with this brand new "Surprise Star. Watch and wait. The New Two-Reel Series by H. C. WITWER who gave you the original "FIGHTING BLOOD" series. TELEPHONE GIRL, GO-GETTERS and PACE MAKERS, in a new serie.s of two-reelers — stories of which are now running in COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE. The cast will include these popular "aces" of comedy, ALBERTA VAUGHN. KIT GUARD and AL COOKE, with the addition of the brand new star of wondrous personality — "LARRY KENT." This new series of 12 two-reelers will be a knockout. A Brand New Two-Reel Series by SAM HELLMAN famous Saturday Evening Post writer, who numbers his readers by the millions and whos; stories in the Sat. Eve. Post have won world-wide fame. Title of the new series will be "FIGHTING HEARTS." and will possess the true Sam Hellman punch, humor and pep. Here's a box-office magnet no genuine showman dares overlook. Watch for release date. Twelve stories, two reels each. 8 BOB CUSTER 26 two reel comedies Westerns Produced by JESSE J. GOLDBURG Custer has already gone over like a million dollars. Wherever they show these Custer pictures the fans flock in drones. His youth, personality, ability as a two-fisted scrapper have made him remarkably popular. Watch for this brand new series of eight (8) high speed Westerns produced under the personal supervision of JESSE J. GOLDBURG. of a class that will build comedy nights for thousands of theatres. Every one packed with laughter, pretty girls, rollicking comedy, clean, yet with a wallop. 26 of em. Money makers. Popularity winners. 26 BRAY CARTOONS that possess a magic "draw" for theatres everywhere. A bigger, better infinitely morie novel series this season. 26 of them. Bray's Cartoons are already sold to millions ■ of fans. Get this brand new series of 26