Exhibitor's Trade Review (May-Aug 1925)

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SPECIAL REPORT of The National Board of Review of Motion Pictures 70 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY To. PATHS EXCHANGES INC, Gentlemen: We wish to advise you that the majority comment on your photoplay m.SI^.OroWWB reviewed by The National Board of Review on-.. APRIL 20, 1925 was as follows: Entertainment Value EXCEPTIONAL Educational Value UNUSUAL Artistic Value: Dramatic interest of story VERY STRONG Coherence of REMARKABLE narrative . . SHIPPING ...Acting.. FOR ANIMALS Photography. EXCELLENT. . . . Technical handling SKILLFUL AND IMAGINATIVE Cos turning (if period production) Atmospheric quality — Scenic setting FINE Historical value (if period production) Moral Effect SHOWS ANIMAL COURAGE AND FIDELITY OF INSPIRING KIND. General Comment: -SHIS IS A REMARKABLY INTERESTING PHOTOPLAY. WITH HORSES IN. A WILD STATE ON THE . RANGE FOR ITS PRINCIPAL AO TORS, I T HAS THRILL ». LOVE • . ADVENTURE . . . ALL THE . QUALITIES . OF INTENSE . DRAMATIC ACTION. PICTORIALLY IT IS . OFTEN. SUPERB, THE PICTURE HAS BEEN SELECTED BY THE NATIONAL. BOARD'S . COMMITTEE ON EXCEPTIONAL PHOTOPLAYS FOR AN APPRECIATIVE REVIEW IN THE COMMITTEE* S BULLETIN "EXCEPTIONAL PHOTOPLAYS" , THE FUNCTIONS OF MOTION PICTURE REVIEW. The critics of the motion picture advise regarding morally objectionable elements before they are presented to the public. They bring to the picture the judgment of the^typical audience. They appreciate the necessity of liberty of speech and liberty of creation. Under no circumstances must these be curtailed. The critics must give full liberty to ideas presented through the drama, matters of propaganda, historic interpretation, tragedy, comedy, current events, etc. At the same time society, which is being amused, entertained or inspired, must be given the right to register ethical convictions. The National Board of Review through its members aims to perform this service for society with broad-mindedness, liberality, and even-handed justice. It avoids enforcing personal opinions. It does not believe in coercion. It searches diligently for fundamental convictions and renders decisions which it is convinced will have broad public support. Though it is a voluntary extra-legal body having no legal power resident in itself, its decisions become effective through the crystalization of public opinion regarding the treatment of the subjects represented, and which it seeks to gauge and reflect through the cooperation of official and non -official correspondents of the National Board of Review in all parts of the country NOTE: ENTERTAINMENT VALUE— This term applies to all that which is entertaining or interest-holding. EDUCATIONAL VALUE — This term applies to pictures that are instructive in science, industry, travel, and the presentation and interpretation of great classics, or that are illustrative of customs of people and ways of living of different classes of society past and present. MORAL EFFECT — This applies to the moral effect of the picture either consciously or unconsciously produced. ARTISTIC VALUE — This term is interpreted broadly to include the acting, the drama itself, the stage settings, artistic out-door scenes and scenery, the appropriateness of the production to the story treated, the costuming, and the absence of incongruous elements. The National Board of Review of Motion Pictures.