Exhibitor's Trade Review (May-Aug 1925)

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June 6, 1925 M. P. 10. A. WARNS MEMBERS OF BAITS TO GET PLAY-DATES (Continued From Page 15) the enthusiastic response in written pledges which we received at the Convention, we know that the independent theatre owners realize that if they are to continue In business themselves they must give a greaterpercentage of their play dates to the independent producrs and distributors than ever before. "We know you want to do your part m preserving the Independence of the Industry also, and would urge you to fill out the enclosed PLAY-DATE CARD and return it signed to this office at the earliest possible moment. We are enclosing a return addressed envelope for your greater convenience. 'Wre will not presume to attempt to tell you how to run your own business, we only urge that you carefully scan the market for the coming year and assign a far greater number of play dates to the real Independents than you have ever done before. This you can do with the full assurance that there will be an ample supply of Quality pictures for your needs. Our survey shows that. "There will be plenty of Independent pictures of the highest quality. YOU have hundreds of PLAYDATES. See to it that a proper proportion of these are given to these Quality Independent pictures. Fill out the enclosed card and let your conscience be your guide. Remember, that every play date given to a producer-distributor-exhibitor is a brick in a theatre in competition with you. or a fellow exhibitor. Do not be short-sighted. Look ahead and encourage the independent producer and distributor to make better and better product by your active, personal support ofPLAY-DATES this year. Unless they get this assurance from you, they cannof remain in business and without the independent producer and distributor what hope has the independent theatre owner? Your interests are inseparable and by helping each other you help yourself. "Your Play-Dates properly filled mean life to your theatre, in that your screen is adequately supplied with product. Your play-dates equitably distributed among Independents mean money to those producing and distributing forces that are doing most to keep you in business, money which will enable them to continue to do so. "Disregard the 'baits' that will be held out for your play dates by producer-distributor-exhibitor concerns. Every play date you give them weakens the Independent Producer and Distributor. Be a real Independent by supporting the Independents and return the pledge card to us promptly. We will soon have momentous news for you regarding our Bureau of Trade and Commerce, and will also send you a complete list of all those Producers and Distributors who have affiliated themselves with us, so that we can bring to them the greatest possible help and assistance. "Yours for Independents, "MOTION PICTURE THEATRE OWNERS OP AMERICA." RUDOLPH VALENTINO TO MAKE 'THE UNTAMED' A RUSSIAN STORY Because of a necessary change in plans, Rudolph Valentino will star in "The Untamed" as his first picture for United Artists Corporation release, according to an announcement by Joseph M. Schenck, chairman of the board. The story of "The Untamed" is based on a novelette by Puchkin, who is known as "the Shakespeare of Russia," and will be adapted for the screen by Rupert Hughes. Hans Kraly, who wrote a number of film scripts for Ernst Lubitsch, is writing the scenario. Clarence Brown will direct the production. Star Gleams ! Billie Dove Gleams in "The Light of Western Stars," Her Latest With Paramount. F.B.O. REGAINS FILMS IN CANADIAN ACTION TORONTO, Ont., May 29.— Ownership of films, contracts and advertising matter was the subject of discussion in the Second Divisional Court here on an appeal taken by Film Booking Offices and R. C. Pictures Corporation of New York, from an order by Justice Fisher in bankruptcy setting aside an agreement with the United Exhibitors, which named the United States firms as the owners of the property. The United Exhibitors were the selling agents of the Corporations in Canada, and when the United Exhibitors went into liquidation, the trustee claimed the films on hand on behalf of the creditors. The Appeal Court set aside the order of Justice Fisher and ruled that the contracts were the property of the corporations, and ordered a list of these to be submitted to the court. Page 17 BLANKET GUARANTEE FOR NEXT SEASON'S ASSOCIATED PRODUCT Associated Exhibitors will guarantee its pictures listed in next season's releases, J. S. Woody, president, announced. The guarantee will cover at least twentyfour features and four specials, the year's releases. They will be released in groups of not less than eight, including specials. Under the plan all of the pictures of each group will be available for screening from two to three months in advance of release dates. "You can see the whole group , if you wish, in advance of buying," states the announcement, "and sufficiently in advance to enable you to cancel dates which you now set aside for them provided the productions don't measure up to your requirements." To those exhibitors who book the twency-four pictures, sight unseen, Associated Exhibitors offered the following guarantee: "If the box office returns from any group of eight or more pictures are not as great, in proportion to the rentals paid, as the returns from any other brand of pictures which is played in the same house, during the same month and on corresponding days of the week, then said rentals shall be adjusted upon application of the purchaser. "Application for adjustment shall be made not earlier than one day nor later than fifteen days after the playing of the last picture in the unsatisfactory group. The adjustment of. rental shall be made within thirty days after the filing' of application." Associated Exhibitors has also made it plain that this guarantee shall be considered a portion of the contract with the purchaser of the new service and may be used in any proceedings affecting the rental of the pictures which may be brought before a Film Board of Trade. CHADWICK BUYS OPERA Chadvvick Pictures 'Corporation acquired, screen rights to "the Count of Luxenbourg," an opera by Franz Lehar, composer of "The Merry Widow." Production will be started shortly at the Chadwick West Coast Studios under the direction of Arthur George, a European director. FOR INDEPENDENCE, CLIP THIS! KINDLY FILL OUT AND MAIL TO MOTION PICTURE THEATRE OWNERS OF AMERICA 25 West 43rd Street, New York City Realizing as I do that my PLAY DATES are the most valuable asset of my theatre and that only by my allocating a fair number of these to recognized independent producers can I be assured of my continued independence and be assured of an ample supply of quality product, I HEREBY PLEDGE for the season 1925-1926 that I will re serve for them phry dates, or percentage of the play dates of my theatre or theatres. Number of theatres I own or operate Number of play dates per year Percentage now given to Independents JVame Theatre City State