Exhibitor's Trade Review (May-Aug 1925)

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June 27, 1925 Page 71 Make Your Projectionist Comfortable -By WESLEY TROUT. Where the projectionist has ample room to do his work in, then you can expect better projection. Good projection cannot be secured where old, out-of-date equipment is used, and the projectionist is cramped for space. In the general overhauling of your theatre, be sure and see that your projectionist is made as comfortable as possible. Give him MORE SPACE. If your generator is located in the projection room, try and move same out into a small adjoining room where it will not be in the way and cause so much noise in the projection room. Like any other human being, he will do much better work where he has a properly equipped projection room and other facilities. A good, comfortable chair should be provided for the projectionist, but the projectionist should not abuse the use of a chair in the projection room, by that I mean that he should place the chair where he can very CAREFULLY WATCH THE SCREEN RESULTS AT ALL TIMES. Reading of magazines should be done AFTER working hours. Where the projectionist does his rewinding by hand, I strongly recommend that the rewind be placed between the two machines, right in front of the front wall of the projection room. You cannot watch the screen with a rewind placed way over in one corner of the projection room. The first class projectionist will always have on hand a good grade of tools for doing repair work on his projectors. Watch out for the man that goes on the job with a pair of carbon pliers and a screw driver. Tools can be purchased very reasonably and the projectionist should have a kit with plenty of tools to do high class work with ; and I strongly recommend that he also purchase a good handbook on projection and a set of Hawkins Electrical Guides, and carefully digest the contents of the projection department EVERY WEEK. The high class man usually subscribes for a magazine to be sent to him PERSONALLY EVERY WEEK, without having to wait until the boss gets through with it, and takes it home and files away, in i scrap book, all the articles that will be of future value to him. Be Your Own Printer Print YOUR OWN PROGRAMS — HANDBILLS PLUGGERS— ANNOUNCEMENTS Keep your patrons informed of your future programs -utilize your spare time by advertising your business. W rite for estimates on our printing outfits GLOBE TYPE FOUNDRY 956 West Harrison St. Chicago, DI. VALLEN VALLENi A L L E ,N WE USE THE BEST MATERIALS— WE EMPLOY THE MOST SKILLED LABOR— WE WERE THE FIRST MAUNFACTURERS OF AUTOMATIC CURTAIN CONTROLS — THAT'S WHY OUR PRODUCT IS THE BEST OF ITS KIND OBTAINABLE— E. J. Vallen Electrical Co. Akron, O. V1 A L L E VALLEN VALLEN VINER ORGANS iSltll Your patrons will appreciate really good music. Organ music is undoubtedly best for your theatre because it can best interpret your pictures. VINER ORGANS are superior for this purpose — because they can express the true sentiment of any motion picture better than any other organ at present available. The rich tones of Viner Organs are always apparent where" good music is appreciated. Send for Full Information on Our Organs VINER & SON 1375 NIAGARA ST., BUFFALO, N. Y.