Exhibitor's Trade Review (May-Aug 1925)

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age 72 Exhibitors Trade Review NEW THEATRE STARTS SOON Seattle, Wash. — Construction work on a new half million dollar theatre covering a half block on North Broadway between' Harrison and Republican Streets started last week, J. von Herberg, manager, announced yesterday. The suburban playhouse, one of the finest of its kind in America, will be of Spanish style architecture. An automobile driveway, skirting beautiful sunken gardens, will be one of the landscape features of the project. North of the theatre a large parking space has been provided for automobile patrons. The stage, lighting arrangements and seating accommodations will be the last word in theatre development, B. Marcus Priteca and his association, Frederick J. Peters, architects, informed Manager von Herberg. "The desire to give theatre patrons of the North Broadway district one of the most beautiful play-houses in America was the principal reason for constructing such an elaborate theatre in this district," said Manager von Herberg. "No expense will be spared to make it Seattle's best and most artistic theatre." AMONG THE ARCHITECTS Architect Henry C. Smith, Humboldt Bank Building, San Francisco, has completed plans and construction will start shortly of a class "C" motion picture theatre building, seating capacity, 350, on San Bruno Ave., for Leo Ruegg, at an estimated cost of $25,000. Ruegg Bros., 4850 California Street, will build. The same architect is completing plans for a two-story frame and stucco office building, 50 by 100 feet, to be constructed in the Visitacion Valley, Ca., for the Schlage Lock Co., premises. WELDED WIRE REELS For Sale by Howells Cine Equipment Co., 740 7th kit.. Ntv. York Classified Opportunities Rates 2 cents a word. Cash with copy. At Liberty For Sale ORCHESTRA PIANIST— seeks change. West or Northwest preferred. First class musician. Sight reader. 10 years' experience pictures and vaudeville. 18 months present position. Leader or side. Layne, 119 Elizabeth St., W. B., Staten Island, New York. For Rent MOTION PICTURE and "Still" Cameras rented, sold and exchanged. Portable lights for sale and for rent. Keep us advised of your wants. Ruby Camera Exchange. 727 Seventh Ave., New York City. Miscellaneous ATTENTION: All those who desire to sell or buy, hire or rent, or make a change of position, should use Classified Opportunities of EXHIBITORS TRADE REVIEW. For Sale FOURTEEN HUNDRED NEW OPERA CHAIRS, some upholstered. New goods made on contract to fit. Bankrupt stock, at a big saving. EIGHT THOUSAND YARDS of government Standard Battleship Linoleum and Cork Carpet at less than wholesale prices for theatres, churches, clubs and lodges. Guaranteed goods. Not less than one roll sold. J. P. REDINGTON & COMPANY, SCRANTON, PA. FOR SALE — Two Fulco arc controllers, used 1 month; $175 for the two. W. H. Heffley, Duncannon, Penn. Mailing Lists Will help you increase sale* 8en<] for FREE catalog a --antsaodprtceaon classified S-GoulflCoJP53ST. Louis WS3 Grand HewJiotel £ak£ Placid.MX in the Adirondack Accommodations for 300 Guests thoroughly Modernized and Fire Protected ^.Carefully Selected Clientele^ Charmingly Situated in a VrhatePark atop the Kill Overlooking the /jakfi MOVIE THEATRE LEASE for sale. 1000 seats. West side, Buffalo. Inquire David Krieger, Batavia, N. Y. REAL ENGLISH KIT BAG, the $50 kind at $27.50, delivered. Your money back if not as represented. Solid brass trimmings, 5 oz. leather. Atlas Trunk Co., Scranton, Pa. FOR SALE — Underwood Typewriter, 16 inches. Will consider an exchange. Write Box H. S., Exhibitors Trade Review. FOR SALE — International Adding Machine with stand, also a Marchant Calculator. Bargain. Box B. W., Exhibitors Trade Review. USED VENEER and Upholstered theatre chairs. Low Prices. C. G. Demel, 845 So. State St., Chicago. Local Films MOTION PICTURES made to order. Commercial, Home or Industrial. We have excellent facilities, and the best cameramen. Our price 20c per foot. Ruby Film Company, 727 Seventh Avenue. New York. CINEMA The Motion Picture Review of the Orient Manager: E. ATHANASSOPOULO Editor-in-Chief : JACQUES COHEN-TOUSSIEH "CINEMA" is the only picture publication circulating throughout the Orient. Address : "CINEMA," 8 RUE de L'EGLISE DEBANE ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT READ LE COURRIER Cinematographique 28 BOULEVARD SAINT DENIS. PARIS CHARLES LE FRAPER, Manager Moat widely circulated, best informed and oldest of the French motion picture journals. Specimen copy free on request. L HERALDS On All features.— Shipped bauie L>*> Order is Received. Send ior Trial Order Good Work— Law Price*. J FILMACK COMPANY w736 S.WABASH AVE. CHICAGO a W0RLD.S lARGEST EXCLUSIVE AMUSEMENT TICKET PLANT TWENTY E|£KT YEARS EXPERIENCE AT YOUR . ^..cT.Vur. ROLL (couvh) FOLDED A RCUS I ICKET Co _=T iCKET S— / ^ 352 N. ASHLAND AVENUE \V ■ ,1 ■ ^ " CHICAGO, ILLINOIS hist ioh thc least money quickest [hiiviry correctness oua;^nt[ed