The Edison phonograph monthly (Mar 1903-Feb 1904)

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EDISON PHONOGRAPH MONTHLY. 8475 8483 8484 8476 8486 8474 8496 8485 8479 8489 8494 Parody on Hiawatha. Collins and Harlan My Little Coney Isle. . . .Harry L. Tally Two Rubes in an Eating House, Harlan and Stanley Hot Scotch March — Xylophone. Hopkins When Jane and I Were Wed. . . .Harlan Anona Edison Band When We Were Boys, Harlan and Stanley Home Sweet Home, Mendelssohn Mixed Quartette Scarecrow Dance Edison Orchestra The Chapel Edison Quartette Bungaloo Edison Band Though It Was Within This Hour We Met Morgan and Stanley THE AGREEMENT HANGER. About September 1 we mailed to the trade, with the September Phonograph Monthly and other forms, copies of the Agreement hanger, Form 454, showing the terms and conditions under which Edison goods are sold. It was intended to be hung up in the stores of Dealers. Following are some of the comments we have received from Dealers : I think it will save the retail Dealers a lot of talking to have it placed in a conspicuous place so the public can see it. W. J. Monkhouse, Altoona, Ont. We acknowledge the receipt of your Suspended List under date of September 1, and wish to assure you we will watch it closely. The Price List for framing is a good idea. We will frame and display same. Furnee & Kennerdell, Kittanning, Pa. The large Retailers' list and Conditions just received, and we have hung same in our store. J. H. & S. M. Robinson, Hudson, Mass. The Retail Dealers' Price List and Condition of Sales is just what we wanted. Some people think the small Dealer is so hard up for trade that he will give the machines away so that he can sell Records. Let the good work go on, I have my hold on a spoke. Howard T. Tripp, 237 Linden St., Brooklyn, N. Y. I received the Retail Dealers' Price List and Condition of Sale, which I will put up in a prominent place. Also received Suspended List of September 1, 1903, and will abide by same. I am much pleased with Edison Records and Phonographs. I will sell no others as long as I can get Edison's. Oakes M. Palmer, Gardiner, Maine. We will put the Retailers' Price List and Conditions of Sale in a conspicuous place. Grinnell Bros., Kalamazoo, Mich. Your Dealer's Price List and Conditions are the proper thing. It is something necessary for our protection. There is too much juggling with prices, which tends to make a show of the Dealer, and the article loses its merit to a certain extent with the people. Yours respectfully, F. M. Neal, Manager Bridgeport Decorating Co. Bridgeport, Conn., Sept. 21, 1903. TRADE ADVERTISING. The Eastern Talking Machine Company, of Boston, Mass., had a full page advertisement in the National Magazine for October, the entire page being devoted to booming the Phonograph as a teacher of languages in connection with the I. C. S. language courses. J. W. Jenkins' Sons Music Co., Jobbers in Phonographs at Kansas City, Mo., ran a series of unusually attractive and well written advertisements in the Kansas City Star during July and August. They occupied a quarter page of space. We quote from one of them as follows : The Edison Phonograph. The original and best talking machine ; will bring new life into your home ! It will make it easier to entertain company. With it you can amuse your family and friends whenever you wish with a programme of clear, sweet, enjoyable musicranging from ragtime to the best musical compositions. The Edison Phonograph plays everything, sings everything, whistles everything, recites everything, talks everything. From another we quote : the phonograph upon the farm. It brightens the monotony of farm life. It entertains your callers. It will furnish amusement for a whole party. Its sacred music will" make bright the long Sunday afternoons. It will keep the boys at home. Too many farm homes lack the cheering influences of music. The Phonograph will remedy that. McGreal Bros., Jobbers in Phonographs at Milwaukee, Wis., announced the beginning of their second year in business on September I with the following advertisement in the Milwaukee papers : WATCH OUR SMOKE SECOND CAMPAIGN OPENS WITH A BOOM. GENERAL IMITATION VANQUISHED. . GENERAL. MERIT WINS ! JUST ONE YEAR IN BUSINESS — JUST 2404 EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND 58,000 EDISON RECORDS SOLD IN MILWAUKEE ALONE. We are distributors of Edison Phonographsand Records for Wisconsin. We are to-day the largest exclusive Phonograph Dealers in the world. McGREAL BROS. THE TALKING MACHINE MEN. 173 Third St., just north of Grand Ave. SoldJQTi.oo down, $1.00 a week to residents of Milfomfcee. With its supplement of August Records theEastern Talking Machine Co., of Boston, mailed a circular to their customers, giving the comments on August Records from the Phonograph Monthly for July. Concerning; the success of the plan they write as follows'